Sunday, December 9, 2012

Thinking About Money!

Blog post # 12 of 365

This morning I was thinking about money. I rarely have any these days but it occurred to me that the amount of money I have is directly in proportion to the way in which I think about money.

I have piggy banks and every time I find myself with a pocket or purse full of change I put it in one of the banks. I know people who give all of their change away because they can't be bothered to count it out. Change somehow is beneath them but my grandmother said if you see a penny and walk away from it you won't be able to see the dollars to pick them up either. I never see many dollars on the ground but I wonder if she didn't mean that with every cent you pick up you work your way to the dollars. She said found money was a gift from God and a reminder to watch out more money to come. She was a firm believer picking up the pennies. She said if you keep a close eye on the little details in your life the big ones will stay in focus as well.

As I was putting some pennies in my bank this morning I thought of all of the times I have scanned the couch for money. I thought of all of the times I not only scanned the couch cushions but checked every change return in every vending machine and pay phone I could find, picked up bottles and cans praying I'd have enough money to get through the day. That I could would have enough to pay a bill, buy gas or eat.Yes I have had some really rough times. The times a few pennies could make the difference between a bag of noodles or some actual protein. I got good at finding the coupons I needed and checked the ads for the best bargain to make up for the money I knew I lacked. These days I wouldn't have to go couch scanning for change because there is at least one piggy bank in nearly every room and some in the coin box in the van too.

Life hasn't always been slim but I am grateful for the slim times. I have learned to live within my means. To make due with what I have. I wonder how people who never had to struggle learn to appreciate the little things this life offers every day.

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