Friday, December 28, 2012

I Love Reliability and Consistency!

Blog post #36 or 365

I love things and people I can rely on. Well I love most things I can rely on anyway.
There are some constants I very much appreciate like gravity for instance. It is always there and it always works. Even mid fall I wouldn't want to change gravity because it is necessary even if I have a clumsy moment.

There are some constants I appreciate but wish I could change. Like I love that the trash man comes every Friday so I don't have a build up of the stuff inside the cans but does he have to get here before 6 am? Sometimes I want to sleep in till 6:30. I don't think that is too much to ask. Thankfully on holiday weeks it is a rare 6 am wake up call!

There are some constants I wish I never had to deal with. Like the first visit to a doctors office. there is always all of that paperwork and then usually some pain or embarrassing moments involved. If I could change those constants I surely would!

Reliability is a noble trait in humans. I do not mean the people you can rely on to be in a bad mood or even a good mood for that matter. No I mean the people you can count. There are people I know I can turn to for advice who will not judge. I know there are people I can count on for help or a ride. I have a great respect for those kinds of people. Especially those people i can count on to do what they say they will do. Those that set goals and accomplish them. Those are the noble ones I am speaking of!

I am grateful for reliability and consistency. If I tell you I'm doing something then I am. If for some reason I can't finish or complete what I have set out to do I will try to get it done a different way or ask for assistance but I will find a way. If you tell me you're doing something then I hope you are too. There is no worse feeling than being let down intentionally or otherwise. It feels intentional when someone tells you they are going to do something and then they just don't. Worse still is when you don't see the effort.

I am grateful for the people and things in my life I can rely on. Those people and things that are consistent. I am a human and therefore a creature of habit. It is those constants in our lives that help us form habits and help me stay human...

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