Thursday, December 6, 2012

Agency is a God Given Right

Blog Post #6 of 365

I posted the following on my Facebook wall and I think this is worth repeating.

I believe in the right to choose. I respect your right to choose differently than me. I don't have to believe every decision is the right one.

Sometimes I am wrong... What? It happens! If it can happen to me it can happen to you too.

Just try to remain respectful when someone disagrees with you.

I was prompted to write the original post because I saw two people I care about being mean and disrespectful to each other in a passive aggressive way.  In this particular case there were kids involved and one parent made the choice for now to bow out of the life of another in order to protect her own children. I respect the right for them both to make those choices and support any parent who makes a hard choice in order to protect her kids.

I am repeating the sentiment because I strongly believe you have the right to make your own choices. I can and should  be respectful without having to agree with you. I may make decisions very differently than you and that’s okay. There usually is a right and wrong and if for some reason you make a choice I don’t agree with I have the right to disagree. Just as you have the right to disagree with me!

God gave us the right to choose and I would never take that right away from you no matter how hard it is to sit silently at the sidelines. I also reserve the right to not be silent when I disagree.

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