Sunday, March 31, 2013

March Quotes

Blog Post #136 of 365

If you haven't caught on yet I have been collecting quotes from friends, movies, music, the internet etc. that I find interesting. I don't always agree but they strike me as worth repeating. Here is what I found in March.

"It might be difficult to wait for what you want but it must be harder to live with the regret if you don't." Me

"Sometimes people who really want to talk are the ones that really want to." Unknown via Jake L

"I believe people deserve a second chance. I'm just not sure everybody deserves a second chance." Kyta D

"You are never too old to set a new goal or dream a new dream." Renee L

"Be weird. Be random. Be who you are. Because you never know who would love the person you hide." Ashlynn H.

"Your behavior won't make you a better person, your behavior will." Teresa GH

"Cutting people out of my life doesn't mean I hate them it meant I respect myself." Ashlynn H.

"I may not be the best but I am trying my best." Ashlynn H.

"A woman without a man is like a fish without a bicycle." CSET via Katrina D.

The most important things should be said in private but every once in a while it is good to be out there for all to see." Me

"The sum of who I am tomorrow is the result of the path I chose to walk today." FW via Kerry H.

"The greatest gift you'll ever learn is just to love and be loved in return." Shell (the long way)

Saturday, March 30, 2013

Adjustment and Adjusting!

Blog post #135 of 365

Finally got an adjustment!Oh did that feel good.

Since my sister arrived I have been driving them here and there. I have been going non stop. Cooking, cleaning, washing clothes, entertaining, arranging, and rearranging. So today after our adjustment I decided it would be good to just go to a movie. We did. My sister and I both read The Host and the movie came out Friday. It was good. It let out with just enough time to get home pack their bags and head to the airport.

It has been non stop people for over a week. Right this minute the house is quiet. I warmed leftovers. (We have tons.) I can watch TV and just veg. Oh how wonderful the next four days will be. I am adjusting to this new normal very well indeed!

Friday, March 29, 2013

Busy Work

Blog post # 134 of 365

I detest busy work. Oh my goodness there is a ton of busy work after an accident.

My sister is on vacation and we had an accident.

Post accident the day following we had to call the adjusters and fill in the gaps then in the afternoon I had to get myself to the post surgery appointment and get checked out. It took hours as I expected. My son and his wife went to their chiropractor get adjusted.

Post accident day two we took Mom to her orthopedic group to get her back and neck hardware checked. Got a prescription and then found a chiropractor for my sister and I.

Post accident day three we went to the chiropractor who really just took x-rays and talked to us. My sister and her husband prepared to go to Utah. A planned site they wanted to do and also to see more family.

Post accident day four we go see our chiropractor and hopefully finally get adjusted! Life is good, I think.

What we had planned to do. Go visit her kids, go to Hollywood, go to the temple, go see her other kids and then send her to Utah... Really it wasn't supposed to be a bunch of busy work!

Thursday, March 28, 2013

Family and Easter

Blog post #133 of 365

We have an Easter party every year. Just family getting together for some food and fun. An egg hunt and a little play.

This year I planned the event after my sister's arrival. She hadn't seen family in 13 years. Her husband has never met any of our family. To make things even harder I invited my other brothers. The ones not related to my mom. All together we have seven siblings. Getting everyone to agree to come is hard but so worth the effort.

Well it was a success. Everyone showed.  
For the first time all seven siblings together
 With their spouses.
All of the California great grans showed.
We had an egg hunt. 

We ate good food.

We played a bunch! 
We hung out.
When it was time to part there were hugs all around. 
Easter is a time of renewal, a time for family, a time for love and always so much fun.

Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Quest, Challenge & Goal

Blog post 132 of 365

I love a quest. A journey to find something. I especially love a quest to find truth. But any quest is good. I feel like taking the journey is important even the rough journeys. There is always something to be learned from the process.

I love a challenge. Well I love most challenges. Especially the self imposed challenges. Even hard ones like writing 365 blog posts in 365 days! I can't let stuff get in my way.

I love goals. I always have a goal for the day. A list of things that need to be done.I try to prioritize the list and get the most important thing done first. I have long term goals too. I usually have several goals in mind. Some may say it is too hard to focus with so many goals but I disagree.

I challenge everyone who reads this to set a goal, make a quest and take on a challenge before the year is through!

Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Accidents Happen

Blog post #131 of 365

Today I had grand plans but things didn't turn out as anticipated.

My sister and her husband are visiting from Australia. It is his first time in the states and he has expectations. He watches TV and movies and has this picture in his mind of what America is like. He also has a bucket list while he is here. He plans to meet as many family members as possible, try as many foods as he can and see as many sites as he can. He has a few other goals but those are the daily ones.

One goal is to do my dad's temple work. My son had his temple cards. So we needed to travel to Palmdale to get them.

One goal is to eat buffalo meat. They sell buffalo burgers at Charlie Brown's in Littlerock. It is about 12 miles from my son's home.

We decided to kill two birds with one stone.

After traveling for over an hour to meet up with Cody we headed out to Littlerock. Just after entering the city an older Asian woman (read stereotype) in the right hand lane decided it would be good to just turn left. No signal. No warning. Just turned toward me in the left lane. I sped up and changed into the center/turn/suicide lane to avoid getting hit. She still managed to hit me. I just kept saying, "She hit me. Why did she hit me?" We fish tailed a little and thankfully avoided a full on spin. I slowed to a stop and reversed so I could exit the highway, exchange information and had my passengers call 911. My son took photos of her position and we coaxed her off the highway. Wandering around on a highway nicknamed 'Deathtrap Highway' is not a good idea.

We began by calling our insurance company and getting the other driver's information. A little over an hour later the California Highway Patrol arrived to take a report.

By the time we arrived at Charlie Brown's five of our seven occupants were experiencing muscle pain in the neck or back or both. My knee was bugging me too. I asked my son to have my seven month old grandson checked out too. Just in case.

I get that accidents happen but this one could have been avoided had she just stopped or even slowed down a little. I truly feel I did everything in my power to avoid getting hit. I guess my best just wasn't good enough this time.
Our van. Looks like nothing, I know.

Her car. Looks like she banged us hard. She did.

Monday, March 25, 2013


Blog post 130 of 365

Normal for me is never going to be the exact same as normal for you. It goes back to expectations and experiences. We learn as we go or we fail. It is just that simple.

Quit trying to live up to lofty expectations. Quit comparing yourself, your family and your kids to others. Sure we can learn from others but isn't the end goal to do better and to be better?

I am going to live my normal. Whatever my normal is don't try to bring me down by comparing me to your normal. My normal is mine, so please leave it the heck alone.

Sunday, March 24, 2013


Blog post 129 of 365

We roam this life with expectations. We can help it. Pop quiz? Our brain scrambles to remember the chapter or lecture. Church? God, spirituality or something similar. School? Learning, boredom, friends, recess, lunch, text books, chalk or maybe now dry erase boards. Family? Love, arguments, laughter, or drama. Seasons? colors, leaves, flowers, crops, allergies. The lists go on.

Our experiences add to our expectations.

I like to believe I walk into situations with an open mind but I have discovered that in doing so I may also be setting myself up for failures. Our experiences build on each other. They make us stronger and wiser. An open mind is always good but keeping in mind our past can also help us gain so much more.

Saturday, March 23, 2013

Pre Aussie Visit

Blog post #128 of 365

Anticipating my sister's arrival after 13 years away was difficult. We have never really seen eye to eye. Oh don't get me wrong I love her and I look forward to her visit but I also wonder how things will play out. My sister and I have rarely seen anything eye to eye.

My sister is getting to meet her grandchildren for the very first time. I've had the opportunity to know these kids since birth and have tried to take photos and video of everyone so my sister could get a glimpse of them. That part makes me sad. Knowing she has missed out on so much time. All of those firsts. All of those laughs and cries.

This will post after they arrive but too soon for me to make an assessment of how things went... Maybe I'll do a mid visit post too.

Friday, March 22, 2013

Happy People

Blog post #127 of 365

I just read this is a different blog and thought I'd pass on my thoughts which you will see in italics after each post. (
1. Don’t hold grudges.
Happy people understand that it’s better to forgive and forget than to let their negative feelings crowd out their positive feelings. Holding a grudge has a lot of detrimental effects on your well being, including increased depression, anxiety, and stress. Nothing good comes from holding a grudge. You give away too much power and use too much energy holding the darn thing. 

2. Treat everyone with kindness.
Did you know that it has been scientifically proven that being kind makes you happier? Every time you perform a selfless act, your brain produces serotonin, a hormone that eases tension and lifts your spirits. Not only that, but treating people with love, dignity, and respect also allows you to build stronger relationships. Not to mention that karma works and what comes around goes around and you get what you give. Who doesn't want kindness?

3. See problems as challenges.
The word “problem” is never part of a happy person’s vocabulary. A problem is viewed as a drawback, a struggle, or an unstable situation while a challenge is viewed as something positive like an opportunity, a task, or a dare. Whenever you face an obstacle, try looking at it as a challenge. Just try looking at things from a different perspective. There is always more than one. A challenge is what got me into this... I love a challenge. 

4. Express gratitude for what they already have.
There’s a popular saying that goes something like this: “The happiest people don’t have the best of everything; they just make the best of everything they have.” You will have a deeper sense of contentment if you count your blessings instead of yearning for what you don’t have. What a waste of energy to want what isn't available and to take for granted what you do have. Always show gratitude if to nobody else express it to God. Do you want to give more to the ungrateful child? I know I don't!

5. Dream big.
People who get into the habit of dreaming big are more likely to accomplish their goals than those who don’t. If you dare to dream big, your mind will put itself in a focused and positive state. I'm not saying all dreams come true only that you get what you ask for so dream big. 

6. Don’t sweat the small stuff.
Happy people ask themselves, “Will this problem matter a year from now?” They understand that life’s too short to get worked up over trivial situations. Letting things roll off your back will definitely put you at ease to enjoy the more important things in life. Pick your battles and duck the drama whenever possible.

7. Speak well of others.
Being nice feels better than being mean. As fun as gossiping is, it usually leaves you feeling guilty and resentful. Saying nice things about other people encourages you to think positive, non-judgmental thoughts. Don't lie but remember Flower's mama said, "If you can't say something nice don't say nothing at all." Wise mama. But even the most vile people have some good quality make it your goal to dwell on the good.

8. Never make excuses.
Benjamin Franklin once said, “He that is good for making excuses is seldom good for anything else.” Happy people don’t make excuses or blame others for their own failures in life. Instead, they own up to their mistakes and, by doing so, they proactively try to change for the better. Own your words and actions. It may not be your "fault" but figure out a way for whatever went wrong not to happen again. "repeating the same behavior expecting different results..."

9. Get absorbed into the present.
Happy people don’t dwell on the past or worry about the future. They savor the present. They let themselves get immersed in whatever they’re doing at the moment. Stop and smell the roses. Seriously great words. If you are present and you find things are not what you want then go someplace else but pay attention to where you are and who you are with and why you are there.

10. Wake up at the same time every morning.
Have you noticed that a lot of successful people tend to be early risers? Waking up at the same time every morning stabilizes your circadian rhythm, increases productivity, and puts you in a calm and centered state. I'm not sure I like this one although my body just has a timer that wakes me the same time every morning.

11. Avoid social comparison.
Everyone works at his own pace, so why compare yourself to others? If you think you’re better than someone else, you gain an unhealthy sense of superiority. If you think someone else is better than you, you end up feeling bad about yourself. You’ll be happier if you focus on your own progress and praise others on theirs. You can compare anything to anything but that doesn't mean it will have the same result every time. There are variables everywhere. Do your best and measure improvements.

12. Choose friends wisely.
Misery loves company. That’s why it’s important to surround yourself with optimistic people who will encourage you to achieve your goals. The more positive energy you have around you, the better you will feel about yourself. I try to cut out those with a flare for the dramatic. I have really great friends. I love them for their lack of drama! I love them for their supportive ways! I love them for their honesty. I love them for knowing my flaws and loving me back anyway!

13. Never seek approval from others.
Happy people don’t care what others think of them. They follow their own hearts without letting naysayers discourage them. They understand that it’s impossible to please everyone. Listen to what people have to say, but never seek anyone’s approval but your own. Listening is important but seeking approval isn't necessary. Especially if you aren't going out of your way to be negative and nasty.

14. Take the time to listen.
Talk less; listen more. Listening keeps your mind open to others’ wisdoms and outlooks on the world. The more intensely you listen, the quieter your mind gets, and the more content you feel. Talking is fine but paying attention is better. Listening is important in every relationship even the casual ones.

15. Nurture social relationships.
A lonely person is a miserable person. Happy people understand how important it is to have strong, healthy relationships. Always take the time to see and talk to your family, friends, or significant other. Take time to love people. Depressed people want to stay in bed and sleep, duh!

16. Meditate.
Meditating silences your mind and helps you find inner peace. You don’t have to be a zen master to pull it off. Happy people know how to silence their minds anywhere and anytime they need to calm their nerves. Not for everyone. No really some can't hold still long enough to do it right but it isn't in your nature just slow down a little and breathe.

17. Eat well.
Junk food makes you sluggish, and it’s difficult to be happy when you’re in that kind of state. Everything you eat directly affects your body’s ability to produce hormones, which will dictate your moods, energy, and mental focus. Be sure to eat foods that will keep your mind and body in good shape. Eat better. No fads or cutting off the stuff you love but moderation. 

18. Exercise.
Studies have shown that exercise raises happiness levels just as much as Zoloft does. Exercising also boosts your self-esteem and gives you a higher sense of self-accomplishment. Also not for everyone. Move more. Do what you can. Make it fun. Dance, play, learn something physical and you'll be good. I have health issues that make it hard but I do what I can.

19. Live minimally.
Happy people rarely keep clutter around the house because they know that extra belongings weigh them down and make them feel overwhelmed and stressed out. Some studies have concluded that Europeans are a lot happier than Americans are, which is interesting because they live in smaller homes, drive simpler cars, and own fewer items. Live simply. Buy something get rid of something. Who needs 500 pairs of shoes?

20. Tell the truth.
Lying stresses you out, corrodes your self-esteem, and makes you unlikeable. The truth will set you free. Being honest improves your mental health and builds others’ trust in you. Always be truthful, and never apologize for it. It is too hard to keep in front of a lie so just don't. It makes life simpler and easier. But be nice. Remember if you can't say something nice...

21. Establish personal control.
Happy people have the ability to choose their own destinies. They don’t let others tell them how they should live their lives. Being in complete control of one’s own life brings positive feelings and a great sense of self-worth. Sometimes this is impossible. Marriage and youth are two examples. Don't compromise so much that you lose who you are. Make the best possible choices when they are placed before you. 

22. Accept what cannot be changed.
Once you accept the fact that life is not fair, you’ll be more at peace with yourself. Instead of obsessing over how unfair life is, just focus on what you can control and change it for the better. Again sometimes you can't control things. You certainly can't control others so take control of you and do what you can to be the best you available.

So are these things essential to happiness? I would say most are but can you be happy and not follow these tips? Sure. But reevaluate your happiness level. Make changes as necessary. Love yourself and love those who deserve your love.

Thursday, March 21, 2013

Urban Dictionary Cracks Me Up

Blog post # 126 of 365

My friend looked up her name in the Urban Dictionary. The description it gave was very close to the girl I have always known and not too far off from other people I know with that name. So I thought why not give it a try. Here is what the Urban Dictionary says about Cherie:

an amazing girl (: somebody you can always rely on. most cheries are usually stunning. guys are found throwing themselves at cherie. Emilys best friend. cherie is somebody that you could never compare to. a shooting star.
"woah thats amazing, its like cherie."

"that girl is pretty, must be called cherie or somethin"
it is french for loved one
"She/he is my cherie.
Probably one of the most nicest, beautiful, and classiest girls you will ever met. Derived from the french name "Darling" This girl is not to be underestimated, her beauty also comes with high intelligence. Cherie's tend to be very unique, not living to people's standards but instead making up her own style and trends. Her style tends to be very sexy, and all the guys crave her. She also has a thing about driving excessively fast but that is her adventurous side showing and loves her 2 cats and his Asian best friend.
Oh my gosh, She just pulled an Cherie while driving!

Oh my gosh, This girl looks like an Cherie!

I'm Cherie, I'm fabulous!

(Note I am not a cat person. It would be two dogs in my case.)
The most beautiful girl in the world, is hated by few but loved by many. Especially by the person writing this ;P Cherie's are very caring, know how to make people happy when they are very sad. Can break hearts but fix them as well. I love her to death 

Girl: omg I was so sad last night, but then got so happy

Friend: what happend?

Girl: cherie came over and fixed everything :D
To die your your hair a silly colour or to engage in sexual activity and forget the persons name
" I seem to have cherie'd my hair" "I cherie'd a guy last nyt" i.e "I can't remember his name and we had sex"
I'm still laughing. It isn't completely accurate and some parts are disturbing but I can't help shaking my head and laughing all the same.

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

The Stone Saga

Blog post #125 of 365

This summer I went to the neighborhood hospital with pretty mean abdominal pain and after several tests found I had gall stones. But they said it wasn't bad, gave me pain medication and sent me to see my own doctor. I made the appointment where my doctor said she was putting in a surgical referral but that it could take time. She said if I were to have any more trouble to go back to the hospital. I went back to the ER a month later. On that second ER visit the surgeon said he was admitting me and that is when I found out my insurance only covers the ER visits and not actual surgery inpatient or otherwise. He was going to transport me to the ER my insurance did cover. They called ahead where the doctors directed the ER doctor to make me "comfortable" and send me home with instructions to see my regular doctor. My regular doctor again just said go to the ER when it happens again. She claimed she had already made the surgical referral but I had heard nothing at this point.

Eventually I went to the hospital that my insurance does cover. It took about 12 hours for them to tell me it wasn't bad enough to take it out. They gave me pain medication and said I needed to keep some solid food down and they would send me home. Then the surgical team came in and commented that I shouldn't have eaten.

This weekend I spent most of Saturday in pain and all night in pain along with fever, vomiting and diarrhea. Since my symptoms had increased, my adorable son took me back to the hospital. They took me back fairly quickly and did an ultrasound but decided it wasn't clear enough. They did labs and vitals over and over. More ultrasounds, a CT scan, chest x-ray, EKG, more labs and more ultrasounds. I experienced another unexplained fever and they checked for a virus (pretty much sticking 6 feather-ended Q-Tips up my nose) and checked for a bacterial infection. They needed to explain the symptoms that were not going along with a seemingly healthy gall bladder. Thirty hours later they decided I needed to have the surgery, admitted me and put me on a surgical wait list.

I spent the next twenty four hours trying to control my pain, kept moving and breathing so my body would be better able to heal and all the while not eating or drinking anything since Saturday. My IV pole was my stand in personal trainer.

Soon after I got up Tuesday morning the surgical team came in to assure me that I was on the list for surgery that day and unless emergencies bumped me off I would have the surgery as planned. I was excited. The only problem at that point was my bed was broken. I reported it but figured I could live with it for the day. They said they would call maintenance. It didn't matter much I was medicated well and either sleeping or walking the whole day.

I had been sick since Saturday night and I know everything I had eaten Saturday had come back up so I felt like a pro at the not eating or drinking part. Every time I entered the hallway though it seemed like there was food there. Trays full of steaming hot food for other patients or half eaten empty trays. There seemed to be a bunch of big gift baskets of fruit or candies throughout the day too. Nurses with munchies of one kind or another also plagued me.

As I walked the halls I found I was in some kind of weird ward of babies and surgical patients. Women walked the halls with me pushing bassinets with new born babies in them. Other women appeared to be in labor. Some just appeared to be in loads of pain. I imagined post surgical. On one door there was a big orange sign stating it was a "jail ward." Warning that there would be no visitors allowed. I later saw the police woman and wondered at her gun with all of the babies close by. I just kept walking and praying everything would work out as planned.

I had this really great roommate. She had just had an ovaries removed after a cyst destroyed it. She was in dire pain but was determined to get home and back to school & work. Her mother was with her but Mom only spoke Chinese and was too tiny to help her with much other than moral support. Truth be told I think my roommate liked the support but would have liked some breathing room too. Between laps my roommate and I would have little chats about how to stay more healthy and about our plans for after we were back to our old selves. When I was sleeping she would walk laps with her mom and when she was trying to get her breathing better and manage her pain I would walk mine. She was released the second day I was there at about the same time I headed into surgery.

It was overall a good experience. They walked in and said get ready you're next. I packed but my personal things and they stashed them away. I could hardly contain myself as I was being wheeled down to the pre-op area. I was on this huge gurney with thick green sheets and a cranky Nigerian guy bouncing from wall to wall. The OR nurse and anesthesiologist came out to ask questions and assured me they were ready. I remember the anesthesiologist pumped in a little happy juice into my IV port and then I took a short much safer ride into the OR. I remember seeing these beautiful blue lights on the ceiling. Actually they were more of a rainbow of purples and blues against the stark white of the ceiling in what looked like very old fixtures. Then everything went fuzzy and dark. I awoke Still feeling happy and knowing this ordeal would just be a matter of healing. In less than an hour I was being wheeled back to my room with a much nicer travel attendant who gave me a much smoother ride.

When I returned I found the bed next to mine was empty and my bed was still sloped to the right. The nurses told me they would call maintenance in the morning. I sat in the chair and she left to figure out what to do. I was already cold because every surgical room is cold. I wonder why. Maybe someone could explain that to me some day. (I got the explanation that there are normal temperature ranges but that they are usually kept cooler probably because of the gowns and also to keep everyone alert. I liked that art. Alert is good in surgery.) I sat in that chair and got colder.The nurse returned and they gave me the option of sleeping in my roommates empty bed by the door (not a fan of by the door) or switching rooms. I wanted to just switch out the beds but apparently that just wasn't done. So I switched rooms. My room was even colder than the first. My pain level was rising probably from all of the sitting while they figured out what to do with my bed situation or maybe it was from hauling my things to my new room or maybe both. As I began to get settled into my bed the nurse gave me a note and put flowers in the window. I told her it had to be a mistake but she said no your former roommate left these for you. She had this sweet letter of encouragement and a bouquet of flowers her family had brought for her. I about cried. Well I would have cried but crying hurts.

They set a try a food next to me. I think it was fajaitas but I hadn't eaten since Saturday. I cracked it open to peek and the smell turned my stomach. Also my throat hurt a little from the intubation tube they told me was standard for this surgery. Moments later they entered to take my vitals and give me oral pain medication. Oral pain medication on an empty stomach! Lets just say I was weary and worried. I explained that jello and broth sounded more my speed and that I was likely to toss oral medication since I hadn't eaten since Saturday night. They left and came back saying all they had was a dry sandwich and crackers. They also said they had to talk to a doctor before they could give me any medication other than the pills. It took an hour to eat one hard tasteless graham cracker. How can you ruin a graham cracker? Well they managed and it was so hard and stale I could hardly swallow it.

My pain hit a ten by the time the nurse returned with a pain shot. I managed to get a few thin "blankets" from them before discovered I was covered in a sticky coating of surgical prep (not Betadine) that made newly painful parts stick to other parts. Why did my entire torso need to be covered? And then there were regular bandages and huge marks where they had used something to strap the skin down I imagine. The whole area was swollen and red. The nurse had to get permission to allow me to clean it off. They gave me wipes that didn't work so they  talked to the surgeon who ordered saline and gauze which made the area even stickier. I was soaked, sticky, cold and in pain. The nurse left and when I pushed my nurse button for a dry night gown and blankets I was informed she had other patients who needed me and I should be happy I had a bed to sleep in. She was the worst nurse I had. The surgeon came and ordered a stronger medication for the night and some Benadryl for the allergy. I got about two hours sleep.

By morning the nurse had a much better attitude as she tried to help me wash away some of the skin irritants. that appeared much worse than the night before. "I guess you were right," she said as she unsuccessfully attempted to wipe away at the huge orange smears and angry red welts. In the morning I was visited by a different surgeon who ordered a shower and a new oral medication. Or so he said. He also asked me to walk, eat, urinate and get my pain under control. Someone brought in a tray with a "bowl" of cereal I have never before seen, milk, a weird jello (finally jello which I expect in a hospital) a waffle and a sausage patty. The waffle had no taste and the sausage made me gag. I drank the juice, ate the weird jello and choked down the waffle. I decided to stash the cereal in case lunch was inedible.

Shifts changed and my nurse said the doctor ordered an different oral medication than the one he originally ordered and she could not "allow" me to shower without permission. I took the oral medications and as predicted an hour later I had no relief. I took a walk outside my room. Just up and down the hall and around the corner and back. I felt too much pain to go far. I breathed deeply, meditated and prayed I could urinate enough to prove I was drinking enough to not get dehydration. The nurse returned to give me an IV medication but told me she was ordered to discontinue the IV. I begged her to call the doctor for a different oral medication. She glared at me and told me to go for a walk. I explained I had just been for a walk. I could tell she didn't believe me by the glare she gave me as she walked out the door. I took a nap. The doctor came back and said he would order a shower and a different oral medication.

Once I woke up I walked every 20 minutes for about 10 minutes. I walked past a room with an air freshener and all of a sudden realized I hadn't taken any of my regular allergy medications for my asthma. It took over an hour for them to bring an inhaler. They brought lunch. It was barely edible. How can they cook the flavor out of everything? I mean everything had no flavor. If it looks like a vegetable it should taste like a vegetable. Not so for this try. Also I got no salt or pepper but it was marked on the tray as being there. Luckily there were several students working the floor or I'd bet I would have had no medications or help of any kind. When I asked for more medication they brought the same medication as from the morning. The doctor was called and he said he changed my medication and that again I could shower. Again the nurse gave me IV medication when I refused to take the oral medication. Again she said I could not shower. I took another short nap then went for a long walk. While I was out I asked if he had ordered the right medication. They said that he had and my prescription was in the pharmacy.

When my son arrived they asked him to go get my medication. It took an hour. In that time they told me they would wheel me down after I took an oral medication. Still the wrong one. I begged for one that would work. I was about to get in the car and travel 12 miles home. I asked for the same medication they assured me would be my take home medication. They finally did give me an oral medication that worked and took off my IV port. I was ready to go home.

I came home gall bladder free and took a shower. Then I popped my clothes in the washer and asked my son to add his and Gramie's. He did. I slept well.

The stone Saga Ends and The Healing begins!

Tuesday, March 19, 2013


Blog post #124 of 365

Curiosity is a part of who I am.

My daughter would probably say I am nosy. Maybe I am nosy. I know when it comes to my daughter. Naturally I want to know about her, what she is up to, who she hangs with, what she likes and dislikes. She doesn't always want to share. In fact most of the time she keeps her cards close to her chest and only reveals what she wants, when she wants to reveal it!

I look at things as they are. I find beauty in age, history, nature, love and living. I try to look deeply from as many angles as I can to get my truest perspective. I ask a lot of questions to avoid being left in the dark.

I believe living this way is honest. I believe it is human to be curious. I am okay with who I am.

Monday, March 18, 2013

Life Is Short With My Twist

Blog post # 123 of 365

Life is short too short to waste on worry & regret,
Live within the spirit of the rules,
Forgive openly, fully and quickly,
Kiss with passion and cheerfulness,
Love completely,
Laugh uncontrollably and often,
Always remember the people who touched your life,
And never regret the things that made you smile.

Sunday, March 17, 2013

I Have No Filter

Blog post #122 of 365

I have no filter. Okay maybe I do but it is not used very often. If this offends you then we weren't meant to be friends.

Some people filter everything to the point of becoming plastic or fake. I tend to go the other direction. Tell it how I see it. Some people find it rude but I believe it is more authentic and honest.

I do hold back. I do. Don't laugh. When I hold back it is to avoid hurting feelings. If I have hurt your feelings I am sorry it was not intentional. I promise. But please don't ask for my opinion if you don't want to hear it. I am often blunt but like being blunt. I like being straightforward. I wish more people would. The truth is I like speaking my mind. So be warned.

Saturday, March 16, 2013


Blog post #121 of 365

Forgiveness is a gift we give ourselves.

Forgiveness is necessary but in most cases easier said than done.Why is it necessary to forgive? Well I once heard it put this way. Unforgiveness is choosing to be trapped in a jail cell for a crime someone else committed. Yes, I am aware unforgiveness is not a real word but it fits here.

Holding on to resentments serves nobody, benefits nobody, relieves nobody, prolongs the suffering, can create more resentments, can create more stress ands can cause, increase or prolong health problems.

Forgiveness is when we get to say I have been wronged but that wrong is on you and no longer my burden. Forgiveness is letting go of the hurt.

When someone does something criminal or damaging it is not our place to judge or condemn. It is our place to heal and let go. Healing is never complete if the resentment stays. Forgiveness is not easy but once you do that part of your life becomes easier. There is a freedom in forgiveness.

You don't have to like people to forgive them. It isn't necessary to be friendly with someone who wronged you but it also doesn't mean you can't be civil. I have wronged people and been wronged by people. It took me a long time to figure out that eventually I must always let it go. I am still friends with people I have at some point had to forgive. I mean no human is perfect so who am I to cast stones?

Forgiveness should never be confused with forgetfulness. I can forgive you but it doesn't mean I will forget. Once I do you are open to repeat the hurt you inflicted the first time.

To not forgive leaves the power in the hands of those who did wrong. Take it back. It is yours to keep!

The most important person we can and should forgive is ourselves. We deserve it too. We do it through repentance, love of self, and love of God. He expects us to forgive.

Friday, March 15, 2013


Blog post #120 of 365

I just heard a kid tell me they were bored. Really? She has shelves full of toys, a TV with several child friendly channels, craft projects to do, drawing materials, painting materials, sidewalk chalk, books and homework. How on Earth can she be bored?

What she really meant was I want some attention. This kid would do anything to gain positive attention. If I am cleaning, working in the yard, folding laundry or any chore she asks if she can help. She did her schoolwork best if she was snuggled next to me. If I asked her to do some while I was busy doing something else she would distract herself, ask a million questions or intentionally do it wrong. She soaks in information. She works really hard to remember stuff she learns. My kids loved learning too but I never had trouble with them intentionally drawing out homework.

She is also skeptical when I would say I have something fun to do. The girl who finds it fun to do chores doesn't know how to just relax a little and be a kid. She doesn't play pretend. Her imagination isn't encouraged. It is a trip. My kids always loved being crafty, creative, silly and being a kid. They knew if I said there would be fun involved there would be fun involved.

The thing I find most funny is when my kids said "I'm bored I'd give them a chore to do." They hated being given a chore. Wow. Just wow.

Thursday, March 14, 2013


Blog post #119 of 365

I'm kind of on a roll. These past two weeks I have seen more instances of meanness than I care to count. Thankfully I have seen much compassion and love too. I guess it all balances out eventually but I don't like meanness. Whether intentional or not.

One of my friends recently said, "our family motto is 'Better weird than mean.'" And I agree wholeheartedly.

First off every family has a touch of weirdness and if I had to magnify mean or weird I'd pick weird any day.

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

I Never

Blog post #118 of 365

First off if you say "I never" chances are you will so I will go with "I try never."

I try never to hurt your feelings intentionally anyway.

I try never to leave my work for someone else to finish.

I try never to ask you to do something I would not be willing to do myself.

I try never to give up on the people I care about.

I try never to make judgments without the gathering facts.

I try never to jump to conclusions. To be honest this one is hard but I try every time!

I try never to make assumptions for the obvious reason.

I try never to give up.

I try never to relieve your sorrow, burden, sadness etc. if I can.

I try never to forego my principles.

I try never to hold a grudge unless you keep proving unworthy of my trust.

I try never to say I'll never.

Tuesday, March 12, 2013

I Always

Blog post #117 of 365

I always make my bed when I first get up in the morning. This happens for two reasons. If I don't accomplish anything else all day long I have at least done one thing and also because I can't sleep on wrinkles without it hurting.

I always do the dishes when they are freshly dirty or before I go to bed. I do not like waking up to a messy kitchen.

I always keep the laundry up. Meaning I do a load when I have a load because I really do not like the idea of a big job looming over me that didn't need to be.

I always iron a bunch of stuff at the same time. I do not enjoy ironing but when I need to look sharp I do a weeks worth at the same time so I only have to do it once. I never understood the concept of doing ironing every day.

I always fold laundry when it comes out of the dryer. Wrinkles are icky, I detest having a big job waiting for me and I do not enjoy ironing.

I always try to accomplish two things at a time. Like running all the errands at one end of town at the same time so I can save gas and and time.

I always make a list. After getting electrocuted I have short term memory issues so I fake it with lists!

I always try. Giving effort is a great gift. It really is.

I always tell the people I love that I love them. The only thing worse than losing someone is losing someone with things left unsaid.

I always answer even if it is just to say I don't know or I'll find out.

I always listen. Sometimes I may ask you to repeat yourself but I will always be an ear when you need it.

I always speak my mind. Okay sometimes I may hold back until you are out of earshot to protect your feelings or my face but I will always answer with the way I see it. Sorry if it hurts.

I always try to learn something new.

I always try to uplift the people around me (if I can) because we all feel better in the end.

Monday, March 11, 2013


Blog post #116 of 365

If you truly believe you can accomplish anything.

The problem lies with those who doubt or those who plant doubt. Stay away from those people and work to get your mind right. You can do anything you put your mind to do.

If you believe you can  then you keep trying and pushing until you figure out a way to accomplish your goal. It might take a while because everything happens in God's time and sometimes we must wait for what we really want.

Sometimes you need to ask. I don't know it all but if I need something I will ask every time. What have I got to lose? If they say no or I don't know find someone else to help.

Everything worth doing takes effort. Whatever you invest you will reap. Laziness will get you no place.

Start believing in yourself and you will see what follows.

Sunday, March 10, 2013

Words For People We Love

Blog post # 115 of 365

Some words and phrases we should use with people we love...

I  look at you with wonder. Amazed by who you are and what you can do.


Thank you. That was kind.

I love you. There is nothing you could say or do to make that change.

People cry for many reasons: Then they are sad, happy, hurt, worried, angry afraid, or lonely. It is okay, go ahead and cry.

I made a mistake. I'm sorry. Please forgive me.

You did the right thing. Good job. You should be proud. I know I am.

So you made a mistake. People make mistakes. I know you are sorry. I forgive you. Move on.

It is always good to decide but it is also okay to change your mind.

Make good choices.

You are clever. Good idea.

I have a surprise for no reason at all except I love you/

You don't have to hurry. We have time. I'll wait.

What would you like to do. You pick.

I'll listen. Tell me about it.

I miss you when we don't get to see each other.

I think you can do it. Try. I'll be here if you need help.

If we work together we can accomplish anything.

I'm glad you asked. I'm happy to assist you.

What do you hope for? What do you wish for? What do you dream of?

Saturday, March 9, 2013


Blog post #114 of 365

I went to the zoo with Mom and my great niece. We had a blast.

I took photos. I always take photos.

Black neck swans.
Cement camel.
Posed for me.
More than once.
Came in for close ups.
Really close up.
She found her name.
We loved the baby.
He posed too. 
Koala in the bushes.
Zebras were kind of social too.
More stuff to pose on.
As you probably noticed we met a few new friends and had a bunch of fun. Now normally I detest zoo photos. A bunch of bad shots from far away of bored looking animals. As you can see I love taking photos of family and I got a few fairly good animal shots too. This was my niece's first time going to the zoo. She loved it! So did we.

I normally go to the zoo often. Took my kids regularly. Like once a month for years. They loved it every time. Every time we went a different animal would show off or hide. We always managed to find one in mating season. This time gray monitor lizards. Seriously I could miss that once. 

I have been to zoos in 6 different states and more than one in California. I have seen babies born. The giraffe was the best birth. A six foot drop! Bam welcome to life. He got right up and walked. Then spent time bonding with his mom. Touched my heart forever. At the Gentry Zoo in Arkansas my kids got to hold baby tigers and lions. 

There is always something fun to see. A critter to watch. If it has been a while for you or if you have never been I strongly suggest you give it a try. 

Friday, March 8, 2013

Ya Gotta Laugh About It

Blog post 113 of 365

Sometimes you just gotta laugh about it!

Keep your sense of humor because sometimes it is the only thing that gets you through.

So laugh.

Thursday, March 7, 2013

Free Tree Advice

Blog post #112 of 365

Free Tree Advice

Enjoy the view. Take the time to take it in.

Be content with your natural beauty. Seasons change us and not everyone is the same so be who you are and let your natural beauty shine.

Stand tall and proud no matter how tall or short you are. We all have a purpose whether to reach the tall things or the short things we all have a purpose.

Remember your roots. You learn as you grow and your roots are deep. Meant to keep you strong not simply to hold you down.

Drink plenty of water. It makes you look good, lubricates you and makes your outer layer shine.

Go out on a limb. Sometimes you just have to take a little risk. Be brave and bold

Wednesday, March 6, 2013

The Norm and Don't Stare

Blog post #111 of 365

The other day I heard someone say, "Your kindness is humbling."

At first I thought what a wonderful thing to say.

Then I thought what was so kind that it was humbling to another? Then I found it was someone being sweet to a handicapped neighbor.

Then I thought about it and thought how sad. Why would anyone not be kind to a handicapped neighbor?

Kindness should be the normal not the unusual.

These last two weeks with my niece have been a big learning experience. I have had the opportunity to see people openly stare and even give looks of disgust. Both to me and to her. At first when she was bandaged up the looks were directed to me. The stares always appear to have a question, scorn or insult behind them. Like I had done something to injure her. Now that bandage is gone, the redness has subsided and the stitches are mostly dissolved the looks are directed toward her. More along the lines of pity, sadness and sometimes fear.

Today a young girl stood behind us in a check out line and stared at my niece. I couldn't decipher the look. Probably curiosity. At one point I told a young girl it was okay to ask. She hid.

Honestly what has the world come to that we would make others uncomfortable by staring from our own curiosity, our own fear and worse our kindness.

I am grateful for every kindness. I do not expect kindness but I am rarely humbled by something that should be more natural and normal than unusual. There are people who humble me with their kindness. Especially those that rally for people who can't do it themselves. Those that raise money, volunteer and get down an dirty to make the world a better place.

If someone you meet is different  or scarred and you want to know why ask? Please don't stare. Especially a young child like my niece who didn't ask for this. My niece wasn't born with this scar. It wasn't her fault. She has been teased and stared at for two years now. She is brave and strong and I wish I could make her pain go away. Her bravery humbles me. I would take her scar and her stares for her lifetime if God would permit it.

Please don't stare. I know it is hard sometimes but engaging in conversation is way more polite.

Please make kindness your new normal. I'm working on that one too.

Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Watching the Pot

Blog post #110 of 365

The watched pot never boils. An old saying regarding patience.

Being patient is not my favorite thing to do. I'm patient. Very patient when I need to be but then again I don't have to like it.

I remember the day I started this blog. I was ambitious. I was certain I would write regularly. I didn't. Then I got the 365 blog posts in 365 day challenge. I felt a little accomplishment when I hit double digits. Then it seemed like forever before I would hit 100. Well I hit 100 and passed it but finally noticed at 110 really? Maybe I'm not as impatient as I thought I was.

Then I started thinking about a project I am doing with two friends. One is kind of absent and I am okay with that. She has stuff going on and is known for being a little flaky with projects. Starts many and finishes few. Anyway the other friend is balancing work, young family and other responsibilities with a pretty big project. I am doing less and so I have to wait more... Really hard for me. I figure if I want this project to move along I need to do my daily reminder and then back off and find something else to entertain myself.

Monday, March 4, 2013


Blog post #109 of 365

Food is a necessity. Essential for survival.

It has become so expensive. Yet it remains a necessity. Eating cheaply in my earliest days of cooking for a family meant making food stretch with a starch like rice, potatoes or pasta. It still is the best way to make the food dollars stretch. Today I cook for a diabetic. Making food low in sugar, tasty and inexpensively is difficult.

Food can be a blessing or a curse.

Starting with the curse of food. Food addiction is a real issue for some. Whether it is overeating or not eating both can be deadly. I've see people die from both. Not at the same time but either way it isn't a pretty. There are times when health issues that constitute not being able to eat what you like. My aunt who had Crohn's disease. It is an inflammatory bowel disorder that makes eating a challenge. The restrictions are phenomenal. A few family members have had diabetes which also requires food restrictions but in my eyes so much easier than Crohn's.

Food can be a blessing. Especially those who have had to go without. Food brings people together. When was the last time you gathered with people and there wasn't some food involved?

It seems to me that something as basic as food wouldn't be a big deal but eat the last bagel, or the last doughnut and you will see a whole new side of people.

Food can be such an adventure. Don't be afraid to try something new.

Take time to enjoy some food with friends or family today. By this I mean really enjoy a meal. Whether you make it yourself or eat out I suggest you have a little fun with it.

Sunday, March 3, 2013

February Quotes

Blog post #108 of 365 

I have fun looking at the silliness and wisdom of others. So here is what caught my eye in February.

"The Bible is meant to be bread for daily use and not cake for special occasions" LDSM via Teresa GH

"If you need anything call me. God" I'm pretty sure God is the author on this one.

"It's not hard to make decisions once you know what your values are." Roy E. Disney Kerry JH

"Beautiful people don't need coats. They've got their auras to keep them warm..." Jordan GN

"When it comes to faith and building your own personal testimony, 'treading water is the same as drowning.' (House of Cards)" Sarah J

"Staying quiet doesn't necessarily mean I have nothing to say. It might just be that I don't think you are ready for my thoughts." Unknown

"A goal is a dream with a deadline." -Napoleon Hill via Kat D

If you are not willing to learn, no one can help you. If you are determined to learn, no one can stop you. 

"Sometimes the most ordinary things can become extraordinary by doing them with the right people." Elizabeth Greene via Geoff  B

"You can't make the same mistake twice. The second time it was a choice." Kerry H 

"You just have to live life not caring what other people think and shake off the drama and prove to them that you're better than they think you are." GB (Kinda proves my point, read it again slowly this time.)  

"Before you assume, learn the facts. Before you judge, understand why. Before you hurt someone, feel. Before you speak (type), think!" Blue Mt alert

"If you're brave enough to say goodbye, life will reward you with a new hello." - Paulo Coehlo 
"Real friends are always going to be there by your side, even at times when you tell them to leave. "
"Behind every great kid is a (mom/parent) who is afraid (she is/they're) screwing it up." Kristen S
"Winning is but a moment, better is forever." Food network
"If changing the world is your fight it will exhaust you, but if it is just your way of being, then it will be effortless!" Richard C
"Sometimes you face difficult things not because you are doing something wrong but because you are doing something right." LLIL via Teresa GH
"If  you don't believe in dragons, It is curiously true, That the dragons you disparage, Choose not to believe in you." Jack Prelutsky via Whytnee A
"No one can do everything. Everyone can do something." WAU via Katrina D
"Life is an echo. What you send out comes back." SG via Renee L
"I was chasing my dreams but tripped on reality and busted my head on the truth. Richard C
"The first ones to help you up are usually the ones who know what if feels like to fall down." BEQS via Rose N 
"Tears are words that need to be written" -Paulo Coehlo via Liesl B
"In my dreams I have another life." Unkown
"Minds are like parachutes - they only function when open" Thomas Dewar via Renee L
"Don't tell people your dreams, show them." Richard C
"If you don't like something, change it. If you can't change it change your attitude." Maya Angelou via Jordan N.
“The same God that placed that star in a precise orbit millennia before it appeared over Bethlehem in celebration of the birth of the Babe has given at least equal attention to placement of each of us in precise human orbits so that we may, if we will, illuminate the landscape of our individual lives, so that our light may not only lead others but warm them as well.” -Neal A. Maxwell via Denzil K
"I can't watch you choose. To pour salt in your wounds. Now all I know to do. Is say a prayer for you." Nate L
"I want to love myself more." Ashlynn H
"Once upon a time I was sweet and innocent, then shit happened." Rose N
 "God doesn't give us what we can handle, God helps us handle what we are given." Unknown via Aprilyn (I like the sentiment but I'm not sure if I agree.)
"The first ones to help you up are the ones who know what it feels like to fall." ISF viaCynthia D

"We live in an era of stupidity, greed and selfishness. Everyone seems to know the price of everything but nobody seems to know the value of anything." CLHL 

"There is usually a price attached to everything that has nothing to do with the dollar value." CLHL

"Success is not always what you see." Unknown

"Telling me I can't be ad because somebody has it worse is the same as telling me I can't be happy because someone has it better than me." Unknown

"Happiness is pursuing work sustains the spirit." Disneyland on a wall

"Crying doesn't make you weak; giving up does." Katrina D

"Look back, thank God. Look forward and trust God. Look around, serve God. Look within to find God." Nancy &Steve