Tuesday, March 12, 2013

I Always

Blog post #117 of 365

I always make my bed when I first get up in the morning. This happens for two reasons. If I don't accomplish anything else all day long I have at least done one thing and also because I can't sleep on wrinkles without it hurting.

I always do the dishes when they are freshly dirty or before I go to bed. I do not like waking up to a messy kitchen.

I always keep the laundry up. Meaning I do a load when I have a load because I really do not like the idea of a big job looming over me that didn't need to be.

I always iron a bunch of stuff at the same time. I do not enjoy ironing but when I need to look sharp I do a weeks worth at the same time so I only have to do it once. I never understood the concept of doing ironing every day.

I always fold laundry when it comes out of the dryer. Wrinkles are icky, I detest having a big job waiting for me and I do not enjoy ironing.

I always try to accomplish two things at a time. Like running all the errands at one end of town at the same time so I can save gas and and time.

I always make a list. After getting electrocuted I have short term memory issues so I fake it with lists!

I always try. Giving effort is a great gift. It really is.

I always tell the people I love that I love them. The only thing worse than losing someone is losing someone with things left unsaid.

I always answer even if it is just to say I don't know or I'll find out.

I always listen. Sometimes I may ask you to repeat yourself but I will always be an ear when you need it.

I always speak my mind. Okay sometimes I may hold back until you are out of earshot to protect your feelings or my face but I will always answer with the way I see it. Sorry if it hurts.

I always try to learn something new.

I always try to uplift the people around me (if I can) because we all feel better in the end.

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