Monday, March 4, 2013


Blog post #109 of 365

Food is a necessity. Essential for survival.

It has become so expensive. Yet it remains a necessity. Eating cheaply in my earliest days of cooking for a family meant making food stretch with a starch like rice, potatoes or pasta. It still is the best way to make the food dollars stretch. Today I cook for a diabetic. Making food low in sugar, tasty and inexpensively is difficult.

Food can be a blessing or a curse.

Starting with the curse of food. Food addiction is a real issue for some. Whether it is overeating or not eating both can be deadly. I've see people die from both. Not at the same time but either way it isn't a pretty. There are times when health issues that constitute not being able to eat what you like. My aunt who had Crohn's disease. It is an inflammatory bowel disorder that makes eating a challenge. The restrictions are phenomenal. A few family members have had diabetes which also requires food restrictions but in my eyes so much easier than Crohn's.

Food can be a blessing. Especially those who have had to go without. Food brings people together. When was the last time you gathered with people and there wasn't some food involved?

It seems to me that something as basic as food wouldn't be a big deal but eat the last bagel, or the last doughnut and you will see a whole new side of people.

Food can be such an adventure. Don't be afraid to try something new.

Take time to enjoy some food with friends or family today. By this I mean really enjoy a meal. Whether you make it yourself or eat out I suggest you have a little fun with it.

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