Tuesday, December 18, 2012


Blog post #23 or 365

I miss fishing.

My grandfather took me once and we didn't catch a thing. Then I fished in my great uncle's pond. We caught plenty. That experience changed my views on fishing.

In 1992 I moved to Oklahoma. I think it is a rule that you have to fish to live there. Or at least it felt like that when I was anywhere close to a lake, pond, creek or river. I always had fish in the freezer and my kids ate fish. My friends and I would take the little ones to the creek to fish. The bigger kids would go out on the lake with the dads. It was good clean fun and resulted in an entertaining way to feed ourselves. There is something to be said for working to get your food. I have had a garden and frankly it failed and wasn't nearly as much fun as fishing.

We moved back to California and I quit fishing. Not because I don't enjoy it but because I haven't lived near anything I could fish in that I would feel comfortable eating fish from. Too much pollution and not much else but the ocean or recreational lakes close by. Also I could never be a catch and release fisherman. I find the practice cruel. I would however put a baby fish back because they are not usually legal to keep and frankly aren't enough to eat. I would hope the experience would teach them not to take the bait again but I somehow doubt it.

One day I'll probably take my grandkids to a fish farm where they are bound to catch a fish. I want them to know fishing is fun. Also I want them to see where food come from. If they become a vegetarian from the experience I'll be sad but then I will help them start a garden. I can hang with vegetarians, I don't have to agree with them but I understand the philosophy behind it.

I've never killed on a hunt but I have eaten plenty of deer, elk, bear and assorted other wild animals. I'm not much into the game meat but give me a freshly caught fish and I am all over it. I'll even clean, filet and cook it. Yum! I miss fishing.

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