Monday, July 15, 2013

Online Etiquette

Blog post #241 of 365

Sometimes we forget the internet is not private. We sometimes offend people but we can't please everyone all of the time. It isn't our job to please. But it is our job to be respectful I recently read six rules of computer etiquette. I think they were pretty good things to keep in mind.

First the people reading are people. Real people not some imaginary friend or imaginary stranger. Words can wound so try not to intentionally be hurtful.

Second never say something online you wouldn't be willing to say to someone face to face. I have that rule anyway. If I say something about you and you hear it third hand ask me because I wouldn't say anything about you that I wouldn't say to you.

Third own it. If you aren't proud of your words don't throw them out there. You are never really anonymous anyway so own your words.

Fourth sit on your angry words. When in the moment it isn't the right time to vent. Keep scathing responses to yourself. If you still want to vent do it after you have had a chance to think it through and choose your words wisely. Time often changes perspective.

Fifth keep your opinion to yourself. Right fighting is just a waste of time. Sometimes it is way better to not say anything. Let it go. Save yourself for the battles that count. If you can't ignore this battle then don't attack the person state your case as clearly and concisely as you can. That way it gives the offender a chance to see the other side without feeling attacked and wanting to attack back. It usually solves nothing.

Sixth be positive. Studies show people are more likely to complain than to compliment. I am one to call a corporate office and compliment a person or place that has done something I appreciate. Positive feedback is more likely to motivate.

If you want to read the original feel free.

I think I did justice to the list. What do you think?

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