Saturday, July 6, 2013

Little Things That Make My Life A Little Better

Blog post #232 of 365

Me time. I know I've said this before but to keep me happy and sane I need a little guilt free time. Just time doing what I want. It doesn't take much. A movie, reading, hair cut, day out, or whatever as long as it is time for me. Not making someone else happy all of the time but trying to find the balance of happy me happy you. So a little "me time" goes a long way.

Memory gallery. Mom has a wall of family. Every family has a space and photos are updated fairly often. All the kids, grandkids and great grandkids smiling at us every day. She also has these wonderful books for each kid. They are filled with memories and moments. Birth & death certificates, photos, baptism certificates, notices, graduations, announcements, playbills, and more. I have favorite photos I've taken. I love printing them up and putting them on the wall. Good old tape since my room hasn't been painted in decades... One day I'm going to make up some books of my own...

Family time. When my kids were little we played games, watched movies and just hung out together. Things changed as they grew older. I hardly see them except for special occasions but I do make those occasions special. We have stuff for all ages here from bubbles and sidewalk chalk. Games from pick up sticks to Stratego. Puzzles from the kids floor puzzles to 1000 piece impossible type. We have paint and crafts, books and each other. When little people come I'm with them right in the middle of play. Building a block tower or sharing in a tea party or racing Matchbox/Hotwheels cars.

Piggy banks. Yup something so simple. I have many and they all carry money. Some stuffed full of pennies, others just a handful of change but most fairly full of who knows what or how much. What I know is they were given to me by people I love or purchased for a specific reason or place and they mean something. They remind me to save, watch my pennies grow, and have a few times have saved my butt by allowing me to pay a bill or purchase milk when we ran out. I hope one day to have them all full and to then use the money to do something I have always wanted to do.

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