Friday, July 5, 2013

Every Day

Blog post #231 of 365

When things are going well they go well when they aren't it might be because we aren't doing our part.

Making home a place to be starts with me.

Every morning even when I don't want to I have a routine. It starts with prayer, asking the Lord to be with me and inviting Him into my life makes a difference. Then I make my bed. I feel like I have accomplished something every morning even if I am the only person who knows it is made. I put in a little workout. I feel better when I work out or maybe I should say I hurt more when I don't work out. Then I make breakfast and prepare a bit for dinner even if it is just verifying I have everything I need. Then I take a shower which is essential to me. Maybe in part because I want to mirror what I like. Clean is good. Finally I set a goal. One tiny thing to accomplish or maybe even a list of things that need to get done. It gives me purpose and helps give that accomplished feeling I love so much.

Every day I tidy every room a little. If I don't it all backs up and my mood plummets into an abyss I never want to return to. I am not obsessive about keeping a clean house. I like "lived in" but not "slob stays here."

Every day I talk to at least one person I love and I contact through technology at least one person I love. Technology contact is easy but essential to keep friends and family close. It is easy to lose touch but technology makes it easier. However a voice is important. It means a lot to say "I hear you" or "I love you" and mean it.

Every day I try to do something unexpected for someone I love. Harder than you'd think sometimes because people begin to expect extra kindnesses. But still essential to make life better because when you do good you feel good.

Every day I make a meal for breakfast lunch and dinner. (Unless we are gone all day, which happens but not often.)

Every day I end the night with another prayer. This one primarily of gratitude and ask for those in need be care for and comforted. It makes me feel good and it never hurts to ask.

These are just a few of the things I do every day. My routine of happiness if you will.

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