Monday, July 22, 2013


Blog post #248 of 365

I am LDS, Mormon, a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. Our leaders encourage us to have strong morals. We are encouraged to get married and have families.

Unfortunately we live in a world of uncertainties.

I know few people who make enough money to live on their own and raise a family in their 20's. Corporations are into profits and hire part time people to avoid having to pay out for insurance benefits. You can't just take the leap and hope everything will turn our perfectly. Okay we are asked to live by faith but it takes a lot of faith in this economy to take that leap.

People are postponing marriage until they are better able to care for themselves. They are finishing school and establishing careers. This in some ways is a smart idea but our next generations aren't going to know their grandchildren beyond their early years. Parents are getting older and older. there was a time when you saw an mature (40's) person with a small child you could comment on how cute their grandchild is but now you might be offending the parent.

People are looking for the perfect fit. Their soul-mate. LDS Prophet S.W. Kimball called the idea of a 'soul mate' a 'fiction and an illusion.' I know of only one perfect being and Jesus died many years ago. I believe you should look for commonalities. Ideals and morals that mesh. I'm not perfect, not even close. I wouldn't want to have to live up to perfection. I would instead want someone who accepts my flaws and loves me in spite of them. Someone who will lift me up when I need a lift and will let me lift them when they are in need as well. A partnership of love. I've seen this elusive kind of relationship and I appreciate the example they hold out to the world.

People are over analyzing everything. Nothing will happen if you do.

Young people need to quit pussy footing around. Get serious about your life and make a plan. Keep moving forward but date while you do. Dating can be costly but a long walk or a Red Box rental and microwave popcorn is pretty cheap. You gotta eat make a little extra and invite a date to join you. Easy see. Get creative. Become friends and then take the plunge. Go for it.

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