Friday, May 10, 2013

Wish List for My Children

Blog post #175 of 365

Dear children,

I know I haven't been the best mother by any stretch of the imagination but I haven't been the worst either.

The following is a list of what I want for mother's day:

I want you to do your best.

I want you to be good humans.

I want you to be who you are without being a jerk.

I want you to work hard and put an honest effort into everything you do. No short cuts because the journey makes it worth it, knowing you earned it.

I want you to ask for help when you need it.

I want you to be a service to others when they need it and not just when they ask for it.

I want you to take opportunities when they present themselves. If someone asks you to join them in an adventure, go if you can. Life is too short not to enjoy yourself but not to the detriment of others.

I want you to take care of yourself and the people you love. Pick up after yourself, cook for yourself, do your laundry and dishes. Share the workload!

I want you to sew your own button back on because the safety pin is very temporary. Sew your own rips before they get out of hand.

When you screw up, everyone screws up, take responsibility. Try to make things right. Apologize.

I want you to be adventurous in the kitchen. Try new things, eat well, expand your horizons.

I want you to cautiously optimistic. Walk through life with eyes wide open and expect the best outcomes but be prepared for the worst.

I want you to see how blessed you are and be thankful every day.

I want you to understand that it is okay to relax without guilt.

I want you to be kind and respect others and their right to be different than you.

I want you to take interest in someone other than yourself as often as possible.

I want you to know you are one of a kind. Flawed for sure but extraordinary.

I want you to love what you do.

I want you to love who you are.

I want you to know it is okay to change your path when you realize you aren't headed in the direction you want to be.

I want you to play nice.

I want you to be curious.

I want you to explore.

I want you to learn from every mistake big and small.

I want you to know life is hard. Sometimes life is brutally hard but you will be stronger for having gone through it.

I want you to love. Really love even though love can sometimes hurt. Don't settle for shallow hollow lust or infatuation.

I want you to work on your relationships. Nobody said relationships are easy.

I want you to know that I'm going to love you no matter what. I may not agree with you but I'll never stop loving you.

I don't really need your gifts on mother's day but I would love your

I want you to know I would give my life to save yours. You are that important.

I want you to choose happiness even when the dark side offers you what looks like a reward, it is temporary.

I want to one day, leave this world  knowing you are here to continue on and that one day we will be together again.

I want you to know you are loved, admired and that sometimes I am in awe that someone so wonderful is a part of me.

I want you to have enough of what you need.

Most of all I want a little of your time, a phone call, an invitation, a visit... Nothing is greater than time together. Especially if I don't have to do the cooking or clean up afterward.

I really do love you,

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