Sunday, May 12, 2013

Mother's Day

Blog post #177 of 365

Mother's day I got two phone calls from my children with kids. All four grandkids 'talked' to me (Two are babies still.) I got two texts from my girls. I live with one son who spoiled me with gifts and kindness. Even stopped on the way home from work to run an errand for me. But all day I did the normal stuff. Like laundry, cooking, cleaning, church, etc. Well Mostly I made leftovers but I warmed them up and did dishes afterward.

My expectations are small. I am expecting no more than for them to acknowledge my existence. No gifts or anything necessary. But if I were to be completely honest I wish they would come hang out a bit. Not on mother's day because every restaurant is crowded and I don't want to cook for them when celebrating motherhood. We can even go dutch!

My mom got two cards a stack of games and a dozen or so phone calls. She was on the phone all day!! She also got a gift card for her favorite restaurant. At the end of the night she complained she didn't hear from the majority of her grandchildren.

I guess we both felt a little ripped off this year.

My kids and grandkids are wonderful. I wouldn't trade them for the world.

Moms kids, grandkids, and great grandkids are wonderful. I don't think she would trade any of us out either.

I guess I should keep my expectations low and be ecstatic for anything beyond simple contact. But I'm pushing for phone calls next year!

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