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Blog post #173 of 365
"If you're brave enough to say goodbye, life will reward you with a new hello." - Paulo Coehlo
One of the biggest nuggets of wisdom that we have to learn is to live a
productive life is that saying goodbye. Sometimes we need to say goodbye in order to say hello to opportunities that we would otherwise have
Sometimes we have to let go of people and things that are in our lives that hold us back, drag us down or pull us into their drama. Or sanity depends on it.
Sometimes we have to say goodbye
to jobs that we know are obstructing us from seeing the life we really
want to live become a reality. Be brave in your pursuits, all of them, even the exits. Remember walking out on something bad is a good thing.
Sometimes we have to pick better foods
that give us better nutrition and health so that we can support
ourselves better than the comfort foods we eat without a second thought.
Sometimes we need to establish a new routine to lead us to a better more productive life.
Sometimes we need to be less complicated.
While you're making these life changes be good to yourself but also be good to the people you love. I know I told you to cut loose the ones who weigh you down. Cutting them loose doesn't mean you trample them on your way out. Be a grown up about it. You can loosen ties without strangling or pulling the other person down. It may sound appealing for a minute but it isn't as satisfying as you might think.
takes being brave and embracing change to bring the growth and success. Scary huh?
Shake things up a bit and figure out what works for you.
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