Saturday, May 11, 2013

Fathers on Mother's Day

Blog post #176 of 365

Mothers and fathers get a day in which to be honored. There isn't a day for children, aunts, uncles, friends etc. They maybe should but that is a blog for another day.

We all have a mother. It is impossible to enter this world without one. We all don't have perfect relationships with our. Some people never really knew their mother but somebody brought you into the world. Somebody raised you. Whoever did that mother job is your mother whether she gave birth or not.

I was listening to a morning radio show. You know the ones where they talk more than anything... anyhow the question came up about who should celebrate mother's day. The simple answer should be everyone. Hello we all have a mom!

Then they asked should a husband or boyfriend who has a child honor the mother of their child? One of the DJs said he didn't think he needed to give a gift or card to his wife, a recent mommy. The co-anchor said, "When your child was born you said your wife was the most amazing woman and you would never forget what she went through to bring your child into the world." He admitted to saying that but then went on to ask the listeners. They called in like crazy. Some complaining, others shaming the DJ who neglected his wife. The DJ concluded the segment with a defense of I thought mother's day was about my mom. I guess I should get her something.

Husbands and boyfriends you need to hear this. Your kids need you to set the example. You need to honor your wife for bringing them into the world just as your wife or girlfriend needs to honor you on father's day. Parenthood is a gift you gave each other and should be honored.

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