Sunday, January 13, 2013


Blog post #53 of 365

I am babysitting. I don't think there enough answers in the world to satisfy these kids!

Why is it cold? How does it work? When can I/we one? What is it? How come we have to share? Do you have more? More whys... Can we have pizza? Why are you crying? What are you doing? What did he do? What did he say? What is manners? Can you say it in Spanish? Can you say it is sign language? How do you know? Who is it? What is it? Why is it green? Did you know I like that? How tall is it? Why do the dogs bark? Can I have a drink of juice? Can I go to the bathroom? Can I have a drink of water? Can I have more? Why did he get some? Why did she get more? Can I play with the crayons? Can I build with the pink blocks? Why do you have pink blocks? Can we watch TV? Can we watch a movie? Why is it cold? When does the sun go down? Can I see? Did you take a picture? Can we play a game? Does Gramie have to wear her neck cast every day? Even when she sleeps? Who is that? And the list goes on.

Mostly we had a great time. They are so full of energy and love. We had to work on rules and manners but who doesn't? I'd do it again.I may not have to but I would.

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