Thursday, January 3, 2013

New Quotes for a New Year

Blog post #44 of 365

These are pretty random and do not go together in any way but that isn't the purpose of the "quote posts." These are things I read or hear that strike me as good or funny or off color or inspiring.

"My beloved brothers and sisters fear not. Be of good cheer. The future is as bright as your faith." Thomas SM (Words I intend to always live by!)

"There is nothing more promising or more intimidating than a blank canvas." Karen D

"What you get by achieving your goals isn't as important as who you become by achieving your goals." Zig Ziglar Via Kerry H 

"Friends and Family, each day is a precious one. Spend time together, laugh, love and live each day being happy and knowing you are loved. Our lives are in God's hands. He will protect us." Leanne SL

"Of course I talk to myself. Sometimes I just need the expert advice...." Mitch T

"Happy Heart my ass .... you worthless excuse for skin." Angela R

"Artists are emotional creatures. We feel things deeply. We see the world around us... Our work represents ourselves. It's us. Not just what our bodies can produce but what our minds and hearts have to say."  Seven Anderson

"People will treat you how you let them." Anonymous (Well I've been saying it for years and I know I'm not alone.)

"Good habits are as addictive as bad habits... but a lot more rewarding." Jessica L (I changed the and to a but because I could so not a direct quote.)

"If I have to explain what gumption is then you don't have it." Katrina D

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