Wednesday, January 30, 2013


Blog post #76 of 365

I grew up in a house with one very conservative republican and one opinionated liberal democrat. It was never fun. They didn't argue about politics. One of the only things they didn't argue about actually but politics weighed heavily in our house. The democrat was a volunteer on campaigns. We were made to stuff envelopes, meter mail, make posters into signs, pass out bumper stickers and more. There were always other kids forced to do the same kinds of labor while the grown ups talked politics or manned phones in campaign headquarters. None of it was fun. Even with other kids there the mood was somber. The rooms smoke filled. The labor never ending. On good nights we would have pizza delivered but mostly it was dreadful work.

So yes I was soured on early politics. Most of the guys we 'helped' get elected were later charges with a crime somewhere down the line. Bribery was a big one.

I can honestly say I hate politics. I mean down to the core hate the whole process. Don't get me wrong I vote. I love my country but I also think there needs to be some from the bottom up changes. Only the government can just arbitrarily give themselves and raise. And they do. When it comes to any other subject very little progress is made. There are large companies funding things to gain favor. If you don't believe me ask anyone in business what they have to do to keep business running. Those bribes I spoke of before were in the form of "contributions" most of the time. They only got caught in stings.

Am I ambivalent? Heck no! I just see no end in sight. How are we going to make things change? This healthcare plan Obama is so proud of has caused many people I know to have to put full time workers on part time hours to prevent the cost of health insurance. Really who is it helping in the long run?

What would I change? The list is long. Education from the ground up would be my first priority! The educational system is broken. Our class sizes are way to big to be effective. there is no continuity to what is taught and yet the cycle of teaching has been stifled. By the time a kid reaches junior high they should know how to read, write, do math, know basic science and that the cycle of war is based on greed, oh I meant history. Then kids should start learning how the world works and work toward a goal. College or an apprenticeship should begin at 16. General education requirements should already be learned and the excess eliminated. It shouldn't cost a fortune to go to school for a certificate that gets you nothing, in other words eliminate trade techs and want to be schools. Those are just where we can begin.

But the what else to pick? Maybe not allowing the states or federal government to run without a balanced budget. Would they let me run trillions in debit? I think not, so why should we allow it? Oh there are plenty more but just thinking about it gives me a headache.

I'll keep voting. I'll keep praying. I'll keep voicing my opinions. Maybe one day I'll try grassroots reform...

Oh and politics within companies and organizations are no better. Kissing up gets you further than actual performance. Really it does. Getting hired is about who you know. Getting promoted is about who you know. Nothing is base on merit once you finish school. Unions and corporations flood DC and the state capitol with lobbyists who have only their own interests at heart. Not the American public. Not you and I.

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