Monday, January 14, 2013


Blog post #54 of 365

I babysat this weekend. I mentioned that in my last post. On the way back to drop the kids off I stopped at the hospital where my niece had her baby this afternoon. The kids got to meet their new sister and see Mommy. It was nice.

My niece went into the hospital last night and they gave her some pain medicine she went to sleep.  Today they gave her some pitocin and pain medication, she took a nap and woke up the push the little one out. Must be rough!

I was thinking about babies after that. Nearly thirty two years ago I gave birth to a son. I went to the hospital where they monitored me and after a bit they called my doctor who arrived in time to help me deliver my baby. It was a little more complicated and painful than that but that is how it worked back then. I had 4 more and all but one who came very quickly they called my doctor who then delivered my babies. Today the obstetricians are on rotation. you are delivered by the doctor on call. If you happen to go into labor when your doctor is on call that doctor will deliver your baby unless you take too long then the next doctor on call will deliver your baby.

My niece goes to this hospital in a not so great part of town and not real close to her house. Anyhow I am surprised anyone goes to a specific hospital anymore or shops for an obstetrician because these days anyone can deliver your baby. I don't know if I like the idea. I mean you spend nine months getting to know your doctor and hopefully they get to know you then you have the baby with whatever random doctor happens to be there. I'm sure this new system works for the doctors. They know when they're on and when they're off. They know there will be no 3 am calls to deliver twins! But seriously isn't that what they signed on for?

OB times have changed and when it comes to the patients I'm not certain it is for the better.

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