Sunday, January 6, 2013

Life is Hard

Blog post 47 of 365

I was in the primary room at church the other day. The primary room is where all of the little people under 12 meet to sing, pray and give talks before gathering in Sunday school class with the kids their age.

On the wall there was sheets of green paper with a questionnaire kind of thing on it. One made me very sad. The final question is what is the most important thing you have learned in your life so far. Or something similar to that if not exactly. One little girl wrote, "life is hard." She was about 9 maybe. My first thought was childhood isn't supposed to be like that. Oh I know life is hard and I've known since I was four but I guess no I hoped it was only mine. I know kids in third world countries and what not have it tough but do any of them know easy. I didn't know how hard my childhood was until I saw how other kids lived. But knowing this was the most important thing little girl had learned was a harsh blow for me.

This quote "Tough times don’t last tough people do." was on a wall in a rehab facility and it is one of the most important things I've learned. I hope this little girl learns that she will be better for the tough times and that she will grow stronger and hopefully become more resilient. I wish she didn't have to go through the tough times or maybe that she wouldn't have to recognize them as hard times while she is so young.

I'm not sure where I was headed with this when I started or even now. Maybe I just want someone out in the universe know that I noticed this little girl. That I have compassion for her and if i could I would lift her burdens.

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