Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Pessimist Optimist Realist and Opportunist

Blog post #49 of 365

I did some thinking. Oddly enough it didn't get me into trouble this time. No really it was about this saying.

Dear Pessimist, Optimist and Realist,
While you were arguing about the the water I drank it.
Sincerely the Opportunist

I have read it before and recently came across it again.

As a refresher the pessimist say the glass is half empty. The optimist says the glass is half full. The realist says there is a cup, water and a glass and in time the water will evaporate or someone will spill it or drink it.The opportunist will use the glass of water in some way. In any way really. To water the plant, quench thirst or make a splash.

I think I am all of the above. I have this idea if I expect the worst them I am usually surprised, The pessimist.

I hope for the best always in everything and everyone. I try to do my best and so I hope everyone else does as well. I am an optimist.

I know people do not always try to do their best and so having low expectations isn't usually too off the mark. I am a realist.   

I take every presented opportunity and even ones that I see that are not presented. Thus I am an opportunist as well. 

For example if I ask for a glass of water I hope it is ice cold and filled to the brim but I never expect it to be. I know eventually a glass of water will arrive and I am grateful for it and will use it in any way I can.

People generally have opinions of all four. They can tear down all three but I prefer to build them up in a positive way because I know what works for me.

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