Monday, August 12, 2013

Thoughts on Facebook

Blog post #268 of 365

I love Facebook. Yup, I admit it. I go on Facebook nearly every day for a few minutes anyway. When I'm bored waiting for a appointment or standing in a long line I will go on Facebook to kill time.

Facebook is an easy way to keep up with people you would otherwise never get time to catch up with. You can check in without taking more than a few seconds to get the low down.

I love seeing photos of your family and friends, your kids, grandkids, parties, gatherings, outings and even your vacations (especially when you are in the shot.) I enjoy hearing where you went and what you did.

What I don't enjoy are ceaseless shares of stupid sayings or recipes. One or two a day is cool. One every few minutes while you're on is not so good.

While were are into the what not to post on Facebook:

Avoid talking about the new relationship especially if you have a new one every month or two. Every person you date is perfect until they aren't. Let it simmer a while before you announce your newest. Seriously some of you are kind of slutty.

Avoid tagging me in those stupid sayings you're sharing. Or a photo of your pet, child, house etc. In fact unless it is a photo of me don't tag me. Exception Martie he was a cutie! Message me instead to check out the photo if you really want me to see it.

Avoid taking photos of every meal you prepare or sharing every meal you eat. Once in a while is fine but when you do please take an appealing photo.

Avoid making multiple accounts unless one is for business. Really your pets or your other name. (Why do you have two names anyway?) Which one am I supposed to wish a happy birthday to?

Also do NOT ask me to play your games. I don't play so quit asking.

Avoid personal attacks or vague angry words. A private message is probably way more effective.

Avoid putting personal stuff about yourself or others in your the public posts. Your dirty laundry is not my business also don't put my personal business on Facebook posts either. If I wanted the world to know I'd post it myself.

But do check in. Please say hello or whatever every once in a while. I appreciate knowing you and calling you friend.

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