Friday, August 9, 2013

Silence Isn't Always Golden And Being Loud Doesn't Always Help

Blog post #265 of 365

What do celiac disease, depression, migraines, heart disease, crohns disease, multiple sclerosis, cronic fatigue, lupus, arthritis and fibromialgia have in common? They are diseases that are usually invisible. Especially to anyone who hasn't had any of them or known anyone who had them. Unfortunately I have known one or more people with each one and I have more than one myself.

Each ailment brings its own mixture of symptoms, none of which I'd wish on anyone. People who have these illnesses fight for a good day every day. Sometimes It just isn't possible but they keep on trying. To outsiders we usually hide our illnesses well.

This thing is when you have lost a limb, have cancer (during treatment anyway), have paralysis, disfigurement,  etc. people stare. Sometimes it becomes uncomfortable but usually people try to empathize, they try to go the extra mile to help. When your illness isn't so physical you suffer alone and usually in silence.

People make judgements. They act as if you're lazy, making it up or are some kind of hypochondriac or attention seeker. We aren't. That is why most of us remain silent. It is rough living with something so difficult for other people to understand and accept.

I was going to define each illness and illness may not be the right word even but decided against it. I figure if you want to understand you'll do a little research. Maybe find it in your heart to accept the 'lazy, attention seeker' you know who is really suffering in not so silence.

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