Tuesday, August 20, 2013


Blog post #276 of 365

Please don't look up at me while crossing the street and then slow down so I miss the light.

Please don't drive like a maniac. You will get there just as fast without dodging in and out of traffic.

Please don't encroach on my lane.

Please don't waste my time.

Please don't lie to me.

Please cover your mouth when you cough or sneeze.

Please wash your hands when you use the facilities.

Please chew with your mouth closed.

Please don't lecture me when I say bless you after the sneeze.

Please go to a private place to talk on your cell phone. The grocery line, in your car (while driving), in the crowded elevator, in the restroom stall next to me, at my door when you are trying to sell me something or deliver the mail (it bugs my dogs) or any place else that interferes with our day.

Please don't wear heavy doses of perfume especially to the theater, doctor's office, or your place of employment. I have allergies and I am not the only one. Just take a shower or bath. You smell fine without making people rely on rescue inhalers.

Please take a shower or bath more than once a week.

Please take only one parking place at a time.

Please don't speed in the school zone.

Please use a trash can.

Please do not assume I did or didn't do it. Ask, I'll tell you the truth and why if you want to know.

Please don't spit on the sidewalk, in the doorway, on the floor, or anyplace I may have to look, step, or sit.

Please don't flick your boogers.

Please keep your potty mouth out of public. We don't want to hear it.

Please don't smoke by the door. We don't like your second hand smoke.

Please don't leave your butts on the ground or dump your ash tray in the parking lot or street.

Please pick up after yourself.

Please help out when and where you can.

Please take pride in your work.

Please try to smile more often.

Please use your manners.

Please be kind.

Please understand I am not perfect.

I could keep going but I think I sound a little too demanding. But honestly I asked politely and have more than my own interests at heart.

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