Wednesday, August 14, 2013

I Probably Won't Boot Ya Out

Blog post #270 of 365

I am in charge of my life. I am the boss. I make the choices.

I know a lot of people and I love most of them. I like the majority of them. As I have aged I recognize what I need and what just weighs me down.

I look at friendships as important and worthwhile. But to be honest I do not have time for everyone. Some are put on a back burner. Many of those are friends who I have known and loved for a very long time who are far away. Far away is hard but doable. These are the friends I can call and it is as if no time has passed. We just get each other!

When I meet people I talk to them and get to know who they are. Then I evaluate them. Not judge but evaluate. Are they going to add a positive or a negative in my life? The I ask myself why they are in my life?

Some get a pass because they are somehow related to someone else in my life I do not wish to offend but don't have much time for. Those people I see when I am out with others but do not go out of my way to spend time with at any other time.

There are people who are terminated quickly and others who will never leave.

Sometimes people unfortunately get pushed back a little to make room for more. Pushed back but never forgotten.

There are a few who from the time you meet them are obviously meant to be there. To support and uplift, to laugh with and love forever. Those are the people I cherish. If you are one of those people I probably won't boot ya out.

So evaluate the people in your life. Then make the tough decisions. Who do you promote? Who do you demote? and who do you terminate? You are in charge. You are the CEO of you life!

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