Thursday, June 13, 2013

Tis Movie Season: Just a Few Thoughts

Blog post #208 of 365

The end of the school season is the beginning of movie season!

My son and I see many together. Mom and I go on occasion and we would go more but she likes 'G' rated movies and only some of those. Oh and almost every romantic comedy as long and it misses the 'R' rating.

I saw a few recently.

Iron Man 3 I am a superhero fan. 1 and 2 were really good. Three didn't disappoint.

The Great Gatsby Hated the book, I enjoyed the story but I didn't like Fitzgerald. I enjoyed the movie. The sets were beautiful the actors well cast and the music alone was worth the trip.

Fast & Furious 6 I am not a fan of sequel after sequel especially after Tokyo Drift. Which was an okay movie but not spectacular like the first Fast & furious and really not a real Fast & Furious movie. So I am always skeptical. Especially since I hate when characters are killed off. How can you die in one movie and be alive in the next? Well they pulled it off this time. I was happily not disappointed. 

Star Trek Into Darkness Okay, honesty, I was not a big fan of the original Star Trek series. I loved some but Shatner and his penchant for the pregnant pause was a turn off. I loved  Mr.Spock, Mr. Scott, and Bones. Totally fun crew. Terrible sets and scripts but they all were back then. Wait this was about the movie... Zachary Quinto makes a very good Spock. There was a cameo of Leonard Nimoy which is always nice even if he did not age well. Chris Pine rocked it as the Captain. No pregnant pauses, yay! But really the story line was interesting and overall it was a good movie. My only change would be to shorten some of the chase scenes.

After Earth Will and Jaden Smith working together again. I was skeptical. You never know with M Night Shymalan. Either really good or really not. Well I loved it. The visuals were stunning, the story line good and the plot not completely predictable. I have to say watching little Jaden fighting an alien like being was kind of fun. Like father like son.

Now You See Me Worth watching for the illusions alone but no really this one kept you thinking the whole way through. Well done.

Epic I went to take Mom to a movie. She likes only romantic comedies and kid flicks and only those reality based and no R ratings. It is the only 'G' in a long time otherwise I probably would have missed it. Glad it didn't. I expected human V nature like Fern Gully or Avitar but it wasn't. It was good V evil. Straight up. There was teen aged angst, family love, hope for the future and so much more. I guess I should have not jumped to conclusions. Honestly there are so many movies I want to see that squeezing in one I'm unsure of in the movie season is unusual. Glad I did though.

The Internship Got horrible reviews. Well the ones I heard anyway. I loved it. A little predictable but not to the extent that it bugged. I loved the premise. Just the idea that they would give two no skilled, older dudes a chance was refreshing. I'm pretty sure it would really never happen but honestly it was very cool.

This is not a review. Just my thoughts on a few movies I've seen.

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