Sunday, June 9, 2013

Movie Worth The Money?

Blog post #204 of 365

I love movies. I prefer the whole experience. Huge screen, surround sound, comfy seats, complete darkness, and the reaction of others.

I almost always go to matinee for two main reasons. It is cheaper. I love saving money. And although I like the people's reactions, I don't like so many people that it can be disruptive. Fewer people go to a movie first thing in the morning. Some because traditionally movies are a 'night time' activity, or they sleep in, or they work, or maybe they never thought to go first thing in the morning.

What I don't like is rude people who act as if since they paid too they can irritate other paying guests. I don't like people who wear clothing that makes noise then don't hold still. I don't like I don't like people who pour on the perfume. I don't like people who pig out then ditch out, especially when it is outside food they aren't "allowed" to bring in. I'm sure you're getting the picture.

Earlier this year they raised concession prices so high I no longer feel bad for bringing in my own healthy snacks. I still purchase something but not like I have in the past. Recently they raised the price to $7.50 from $6.00 for a matinee before 12. They sometimes don't schedule shows before 12. Who is that right? It may not seem like much but $1.50 every time adds up in a hurry during the blockbuster season. I'll probably pay $20 extra before the season ends. I'm sad.

Is the 'experience' really worth the cost of the ticket? They are soon going to price me out of the theater.

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