Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Active Participants

Blog post #214 of 365

I was thinking a bunch about father's this last week. Sadly my biological was never a good dad also my ex-husbands were marginally better when they were around which wasn't nearly enough.

Being a parent requires active participation. I believe it is possible to be a good dad but not change diapers, do early morning feedings and what not through the human larva stage. The key is stepping up when Mom needs a little help. You know like laundry, dishes, cooking, or just baby watch while she naps or gets caught up. Lets face it not everyone is good at the larva stage of human existence!

Come on people make an active choice to be the parent your kids need. Parents teach. Parents show love. Parents guide. Parents are the leaders. They are the daily example kids live with. No chance to be a poser.

Parenting starts with the act of sex. There is nothing casual about casual sex. Any male can spread sperm but in doing so there is a chance that lives will change forever. Birth control doesn't always work. Don't have sex with someone unless you know you can co-parent a child for the rest of your lives because every kid is a part of you forever. Even if you make the choice to never see them, mentor them or be a part of their life they are still genetically you.

I had a friend get angry when she realized her son could impregnate a girl and the girl could choose to terminate the pregnancy. Then we had a long talk about when a boy should have sex and with who. She is still mad at me. She is angrier still that a girl can choose not to have to give birth to a child she is not ready to have. I couldn't make her understand how difficult it is for some people to fathom giving birth to a child they do not want and the fear they may have a being pregnant. (We are talking about high school aged kids here.) I just don't feel high school age is the right time to become a parent no matter how wonderful your support system is or how mature the teen may be. I would not want to saddle a teen with the financial responsibility even if there were not physical risks...

To all of the parents male and female who have a child or worse children and walk away, shame on you.

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