Saturday, December 7, 2013

Tip Toe If You Must

Blog post #384 of 365

Recently I was reading Facebook when I came across a post from a very young single mom. Okay she is in her twenties and I am more than double her age so yes very young but not a teen mom young. She said something I found very wise in one so young.

"Sometimes the smallest step in the right direction ends up being the biggest step of your life. Tip toe if you must but take the step." Emily T.

It also struck me as brave. I mean it is true the comfort zone is comfortable so moving might take you out of it. Which is very brave indeed.

Taking a step in the beginning of momentum. Newton said, "A body that is at rest stays at rest." But how long can you rest really? I imagine there are some who could but those lazy folk will be there long after you have moved on to greener pastures. Once you start moving it becomes easier and easier to keep moving.

Now how do you know you're headed in the right direction? Trial and error mostly but being informed helps so does looking around as you go. If you find you have lost focus or were never on the right path, then reevaluate and change direction.

You never know when that tiny little step in the right direction will take you over the finish line. Tip toe along my friends, tip toe along.

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