Sunday, December 22, 2013

Enough Already With the Public Arguing

Blog post #391 of 365

The headlines have stirred up debates about gay and straight people and their 'rights' to act or have opinions. You and I all have a right to do what we want (as long as we are not hurting ourselves or others) and the right to our own opinion. But I have had enough of the public gay straight debates already. I don't care to fight about it.

The Bible can be read by a thousand different people and none will completely agree on everything. It just isn't possible.

I have gay and straight friends. I do, and I love them all the same. I don't care who you choose to be in a relationship with as long as you really love and respect them.

Who you love has nothing to do with religion. It isn't really ever up for public debate so back the heck off of each other. Just appreciate the people in your life and get on with it but PLEASE leave your hate and anger to yourselves. Yes, I am talking to straight and gay people too.

Really public debate is arguing. Why argue? Lets all just agree to disagree. I mean really who will that hurt. but keep your mouth shut because not doing it hurts people. It can kill people. Yes I said it can kill people.

Gay teens are attempting suicide at alarming rates. Like one in three. People both young and old are killing themselves because they feel rejected or less than human for the way they feel. What a senseless way to leave this world. All of the public arguments are pushing people to say and do really awful things so enough already.

Is it possible that we can quit trying to be so theologically correct? Yes please. Is it morally wrong to quit right fighting? I believe it is a perfect solution. I've read my Bible and I have my own opinions about it. Mut they are my opinions not yours. Frankly my church has an interesting view on the gay straight argument. They say don't argue, love and accept everyone. Hello, isn't that how we should all be?

SO I am going public here and saying I don't care how you feel about the issue.

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