Thursday, December 12, 2013

Memory Branches

Blog post #389 of 365

Our Christmas tree is filled with memory branches.

Each ornaments holds a memory.

One year, a few years back I sorted all of my mom's ornaments. She had several boxes of them. Nearly all from Hallmark. She buys one for the grown up children and sometimes for the grown up grandchildren. Nearly always she finds one or more for herself. I love them. I can almost always tell why she picks the ones she does.

As I sorted her ornaments they went into boxes marked by categories. Animals, snowmen, Santas and characters. She had overly full boxes of each. Not to mention a full box of miniature ornaments enough to fully cover two small trees. I have ornaments from my childhood, from my children's childhood and from my mom every year as well. Between the two of us we have ornaments enough to fully cover seven trees and two mini trees. That is a lot of ornaments.

With each ornament comes a memory. Mom purchases ornaments that aren't just pretty or cute but because they remind her or a time, person or place. Mine are equally full of memories. Each one brings a smile!

This year is no different. Every decorated branch is connected to the memory of a person, place or time. Each ornament lovingly placed to connect those memories to the season of gratitude.

As you decorate your tree and place the memories on each branch please try to remember to be grateful for every memory on every limb. And for you who decorate in theme or have your tree decorated by others the same holds true. This time of year we end a year full of memories and get ready to make more.

May your Christmas season be filled with love, happiness and gratitude.

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