Sunday, December 15, 2013

2013 Season of Gratitude Part 3

Blog post #393 of 365

Gratitude day 31
I am grateful for peace. Not the lack of fighting kind of peace although lack of fighting is awesome in the most underused kind of way but that quiet calm kind of peace you feel. Like watching the sun set or rise on purpose. The peace you feel when everything comes together. The peace you feel when you watch the power of the ocean. The peace you feel when you watch your child or grandchild peace. Those moments of peace you feel when you know all is right in your world.
I am thankful for peace.

There never seems to be enough of these so when they come I relish them. How could I not?

Gratitude day 32
I am grateful for the time I get to be creative. I picture what I want in my head. Then I wait until I have the proper time to get my creativity out. It can take a while. To be honest it bugs me until I get it out. I'm not sure how much others appreciate the creative side because it can get messy but it sure is fun while it goes on!
I am thankful for the time I get to be creative.

Especially this time of year I am making messes nearly every day. Okay so the messes end up as Christmas gifts but they are gifts made with love by me.

Gratitude day 33
I am grateful for the of sound laughter and giggles. I love humor but the sound alone will bring a smile to any face. Like a smile is a contagious sound of laughter is too. Also laughter reminds me of Mary Poppins - Uncle Albert, "The more I laugh the more I fill with glee!" Good old Walt Disney understood laughter, still does. I get it too. I especially love the laughs that get stuck in your head like a song. You know when something makes you laugh and just thinking about it makes you laugh throughout the day. Those are wonderful days. But the very best laughs are kid laughs. The giggles and belly laughs of a child are just the best!!
I am thankful for the sound of laughter and giggles.

I hear laughter in my memories and in my dreams. I try to make people laugh from time to time and I enjoy when I have succeeded. Oddly I don't try to make people laugh in my blog... I wonder why?

Gratitude day 34
I am grateful for words. All words. The words we hear, the ones we want to hear, the ones that spark imagination, the ones that make us laugh, the ones that make us cry, the ones that expand our vocabulary, the ones that give us hope and the ones that lift us from despair. Words separate and connect us. I love connections best. There are spoken words, written words, words of warning, whispered words, shouted words (those I could use less of), giggled words, words of sorrow, words of praise, words in song and words of love. Words mean we are trying to communicate. I love all kinds of words.
I am thankful for words.

I finished a book today and started the next. I watched a TV show and went to a movie today too. Everywhere I went and everything I did involved words. How can you not appreciate words?

Gratitude day 35
I am grateful for wise words. Notice I didn't say wise people. You see wisdom usually comes in little thoughts deeds and moments. They say wisdom comes with age and to some extent tat is true but I have heard wise words from children to those one inch from the grave. The thing about wise words are no matter who they come from I learn from them. I forever welcome them. And gratefully more is I recognize and appreciate them.
I am thankful for wise words.

I was inspired by the wise words of a young single mom I know. I had to express my gratitude for all wise words no matter who they come from.

Gratitude day 36
I am grateful for sunshine. I live in sunny southern California. The song lies it rains here. In the winter we get snow sometimes too but always in the mountains. I woke up this morning to a beautiful day. I've been spraying clear coat on projects and painting this morning. I enjoyed the sunshine every time I went outside to spray another coat and every time I tried mixing the perfect color. I love the sunshine when I'm working on projects and painting. Well the clouds have come in. I appreciate and love a little cloud cover but not when I'm working on a painting. It distorts the color to use artificial light. So I'll wait patiently for my beloved sunshine to return.
I am thankful for sunshine.

It happens nearly every year. I plan out what I'm going to paint and have to have good sunny not too warm days to accomplish it. Fake like is not so good with painting. It'll do in a pinch but not for the ones I am planning to give as gifts!

Gratitude day 37
I am grateful for live theater. You just can't beat a play. It is that simple.
I am thankful for live theater.

Saw A Christmas Carol today. A play I have seen at many different venues and loved every time.

Gratitude day 38
I am grateful for my grandparents. They have all passed away now but my love and gratitude for them is ever present. They taught me so many wonderful things and supported me in ways nobody but a grandparent could.
I am thankful for my grandparents.

Gratitude day 39
I am grateful for people who can take a hint. There are those who need more but I appreciate those who just need a hint and all is well.
I am thankful for people who can take a hint!

I am not going to get into specifics on this one but I love bright people.

Gratitude day 40
I am grateful for benchmarks. Births, graduations, beginnings, endings, weddings, anniversaries, deaths, birthdays, reunions, and any other thing we use to measure our lives. Okay maybe deaths aren't a favorite part but they bring people together to remember and that is a good thing.
I am thankful for benchmarks.

Happy birthday Morgan!

Gratitude day 41
I am grateful for our Christmas trees. I love looking at Christmas trees. One year when my kids were young we had a tree in almost every room. Every tree decorated differently. We have three small trees this year. I'd venture we have enough decorations for six or seven eight foot trees and two or three miniature trees as well. Each decoration holds a memory, especially for my mom. I've heard it said Christmas trees are branches of memories and for me it is true.
I am thankful for our Christmas trees.

This year I have had the opportunity so see photos of my friends trees from all over the country and I believe this year most everyone has gone all out. Or the ones who have shared photos have. I love looking at them. Seeing the memories and even the obviously professionally decorated ones as well.

Gratitude day 42
I am grateful for comfort. I believe too often we take comfort for granted. We drive cars with a smooth ride. We sleep in beds with pillow tops, memory foam, or air pumps etc. We pull clean clothes from the washer and warm clothes from the dryer. We turn on the faucet and in moments we have warm water to wash our hands and face. We don't have to stoke the flames to heat our food or warm our homes. We have coats, gloves, throws, warm slippers and soft robes. I appreciate all of these things and more for I have at one time or another gone without comforts. I will not take for granted any comforts I enjoy.
I am thankful for comfort.

As I wrote this the morning was cold, the heater was on, my breakfast was warming in the microwave, a load of laundry was in the washer, and I was getting ready to leave for the store in our van. Can I just say I am grateful for all of those comforts. Especially the driving to the store part. Walking with groceries is very difficult indeed!

Gratitude day 43
I am grateful for bacon. Yup, I admit that I enjoy a crisp piece of bacon for breakfast, or in a sandwich or salad. The smoky flavor is just the ticket. I don't have it often but this morning it was perfection!
I am thankful for bacon.

I'd probably eat it more often if it were on sale more often and if my doctor gave me the green light. I will add that I usually eat the turkey bacon. It is more processed but has less fat and calories. Thankfully my son works at a grocery store and buys a bunch when it goes on sale. Thanks son!

Gratitude day 44
I am grateful for Christmas pageants. My grandson was in one today and I can think of nowhere else I'd rather be.
I am thankful for Christmas pageants!

Gosh these little people are adorable. They twitch and fidget but it makes watching that much more entertaining! My grandson is however the most talented one!!! Bonus I get to sit with grandson number one while I watch. And visit with my babies. What a lucky grandma am I.

Gratitude day 45
I am grateful for ballet recitals. My great niece is dancing today and I love to watch her dance. She is a star on her stage.
I am thankful for ballet recitals.

My little Jaden is actually really good. I can tell she knows what she is doing.

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