Sunday, December 1, 2013

2013 Season of Gratitude Continues Part 2

Blog post #378 of 365

The is the second part of four in my two months of gratitude out loud.

Gratitude day 16
I am grateful for color. I think I appreciate color more because at night I lose the ability to see color. Everything turns to shades of gray unless the object, person or whatever are in direct artificial light. This is something I have always had so I don't often think about unless I'm stopped at a light and see an interesting shade of grade. There are so many shades of gray. But during the day I see and appreciate every color. From the bright yellow of the dandelion, the earthy tans of mushroom, to the vibrant pinks, oranges, & blues of the morning and evening sky. I love how the light plays with color making texture appear where there isn't any and making textures come to life.
I am thankful for color.

There is nothing more beautiful that natures colors. Okay I confess I love unnatural colors like neon and whatnot but why not? The variety of colors in this world are spectacular!

Gratitude day 17
I am grateful for Katy. She usually texts me at the times I need to hear from her most. She has more compassion than most and bolsters mine when I don't feel like I have enough. She is so smart but sometimes doesn't think she is. She is beautiful but sometimes doubts that too. She has a smile that lights up a room. She inspires me to be better.
I am thankful for Katy.

I have five kids. I'll bet you can guess what the next four gratitude posts will be.

Gratitude day 18
I am grateful for Morgan. I'm pretty sure I frustrate her but I have no doubt she loves me. She has always wanted to do things well or not at all. She is statuesque with an impeccable sense of style but I have no idea if she would agree with me.She is intelligent. She has kind eyes that draw you in. She has a way about her that is endearing. I love watching her interact with the people she loves.
I am thankful for Morgan

She really does find me impossible at times but whenever she can't figure something out, needs help of any kind or isn't feeling well she always come to me because she knows I've got her back every time.

Gratitude day 19
I am grateful for Kyle. He is clever. He can do anything he tries but sometimes getting him to try is difficult. He is shy but once you become his friend he is your friend forever. He has many talents but has a few particularly interesting talents. He always makes me feel safe & protected. He goes out of his way to make me giggle every day and I love a good giggle.
I am thankful for Kyle.

He has a spectacular way with words and can Tetris anything. He is a thinker and figures out the world in ways others do not. I am so lucky to call him son!

Gratitude day 20
I am grateful for Cody. My gentle giant. He is a calming influence in any situation. He does not like injustice or cruelty. His compassion and kindness is limitless. He remains focused at any task he undertakes. He always does his footwork so he is never stepping in totally blind. He is my very own tech department, any time I need help. He is a wonderful daddy and adores his little family.
I am thankful for Cody.

This guy was a calming influence since birth and I wouldn't trade him for the world.

Gratitude day 21
I am grateful for Hoss. He is a really great dad. The well being of his family comes first. As it should. He has always taken the role as defender and protector. Sometimes disguised as a tease but I know his intentions are always good. He always makes me laugh and I know he loves me!
I am thankful for Hoss.

With the best intentions he is a right fighter. I wish other people understood him the way I do and appreciated his efforts.

Gratitude day 22
I am grateful for modern medicine and healing. We are so lucky to live in a time of less evasive testing, medications, and surgeries that can save our lives. I am grateful for physicians, all positive energy and prayer that help heal as well. So call me a kook, I am okay with that label because I believe in all things that help heal.
I am thankful for modern medicine and healing.

I was diagnosed with an unexpected problem on a routine doctor visit. I am on medication now and frankly wish I could kick this thing today because it is no good. Gratefully I have good doctors and medication.

Gratitude day 23
I am grateful for Zackery. He is this amazing 5 year old boy with a joyful smile that makes me happy every time I see it. He calls just to say hi. He is very athletic, smart and adores his baby sister. We can play all day and never tire of each other. He love me and I love him! What a blessing.
I am thankful for Zackery.

I believe Zack is aware of his role as older brother and take it very seriously. He lets his little brother pounce on him and I give him credit for not taking him out. He dotes on his baby sister and it is the sweetest thing to watch. He is finding his own identity and I appreciate the ride.

Gratitude day 24
I am grateful for Jax. Who knew one human being could hold so much love? He is independent, a little shy and yet sometimes the star of the show. He will try anything his brother does. It reminds me that a middle kid is the one to watch out for because he will always try harder striving to be the best, the center. He is such a sweet guy.
I am thankful for Jax.

Jax is the rough one. I blame the middle kid thing but it may be more than that. But he is so charming and has a smile that will make you forget every other thing in the world. How could you not love that?

Gratitude day 25
I am grateful for Amanda. She is picture perfect. Seriously born to be in photos. Such a beauty. No really I have proof! She is a watcher and her brothers give her plenty to watch. She is a problem solver at one! Her gorgeous smile is kept hidden from most but comes out at just the right moments. I love this girl!
I am thankful for Amanda.

Beyond pretty this little girl knows she has the world at her fingertips. Not is a spoiled brat kind of way but in a "I got this" kind of way.

Gratitude day 26
I am grateful for Ronin. He is a puzzle I am willing to spend a lifetime figuring out. I can see how smart he is every time we are around each other.He likes to know how things work, a lot like his dad that way.  He is musical and funny. He lets me take a million and a half pictures, probably because mommy does too. He takes a minute to warm up but I know he loves me.
I am thankful for Ronin.    

He is so much like his parents, Ronin is a logical, watcher of of the world. He figures things out and can play to the audience. Such a talented kid!

Gratitude day 27
I am grateful for modern conveniences. You know the type like indoor plumbing, well running water for sure because I live in a moderate climate and could actually run to an outhouse. Never mind I love indoor toilets. But there are so many conveniences I use every day like a stove, I don't have to stoke, can easily turn the heat up or down, a shower I don't have to boil water to enjoy, a vacuum so I don't have to beat rugs and a washer and dryer. Imagine scrubbing them by hand and wringing them out! Or is the weather good enough to dry my clothes? There are more. I have at one point or another had to go without them and I will never take them for granted!
I am thankful for modern conveniences.

Recently I had to make a trip to the laundromat. It was a purposeful decision to wash a fairly large rug without stressing out my own washer. I took a large and smaller rug and brought them home to dry. when I pulled 'them' out one was missing. Worst fear the matching rug is missing. Luckily it was hiding in the van but it reminded me why I hate having to go elsewhere to wash items. Then watching an outdoor show on TV I was reminded again of why having indoor plumbing is just the best gift ever!

Gratitude day 28
I am grateful for all of the things I can do. I would list them but the list is long. It took me a long time to focus on this list and realize the importance of it. I can do so much. So what if I can't do all things, I am just not meant to do them.
I am thankful for all of the things I can do!

There are days it is easy to wallow in the things I can't do but I would really appreciate the things I can. I am going to go beyond and celebrate my list and make sure I leave nothing off.

Gratitude day 29
I am grateful for stars. I love the night sky. No, I don't know all of the constellations but that doesn't stop me from enjoying their beauty. For many years I have lived in rural areas where you could really clearly see them. I mean almost every night you could look up and see multitudes of stars. For the past five years I have lived near my childhood neighborhood in a not so rural area. I look up to the sky on a clear night and I can see some stars. Some nights not too many but I can see them. I love them. The magnitude of them, the beauty of them, the whimsy of them (Star Light Star Bright) all really sweep me to a place of peace.
I am thankful for stars.

Look up. Appreciate the beauty of it. Don't see it? Your loss!

Gratitude day 30
I am grateful for life's little speed bumps. I don't like speed bumps, especially the kind I have to cross in the car, but those are not the ones I'm talking about. I'm talking about the things that make you have to slow down a little to make it down the path. Slowing down, you can appreciate the things to come that you might not have seen had you rushed on by.
I am thankful for for life's little speed bumps.

I have had a ton. Some lasting longer than others and it took me a long time to learn to really appreciate that maybe God had different plans than I so I go at His pace and really learn to appreciate the ride.

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