Monday, December 2, 2013

My Fibromyalgia

Blog post #379 of 365

People who don't have it will never understand it. People who do have it don't always have it the same as each other. Some have few symptoms. Some have more.

This is my path. The path I have had as long as I can remember and amplified to an impossible height at puberty. I've probably touched on this before. I just think it is one thing that should be repeated because I have had it forever and most people don't know. Those that do know don't get it. Don't relate to it.

Lots of pain. Nerve pains that flare, pressure point pain, joint pain, muscle pain,and headache pain. I might have missed a few pain. Pain ranges from 'oh that hurts a little' to 'holy hell' make it stop kind of pain.

Inability to sleep.

Exhaustion paired with the inability to sleep. Maybe because of the inability to sleep.

Bouts of gas! Luckily these don't last long. They do make life interesting. Usually these happen in confined spaces like elevators and the grocery isles. NOT on purpose.

The inability to control body temperature and sweating. Sometimes paired sometimes separate. Often helping to interrupt what little sleep I find.

Muscles burning especially in legs and arms. I said burning muscles. Crippling burning muscles.

Muscle twitching and muscle spasms. These annoy but when they strike the eye muscles they are more than annoying. Also large muscle spasms interfere with the ability to sleep!

My skin hurts. So much so that it deserves its own category of pain! I mean pain to the point that clothing hurts kind of skin pain.

Sometimes nausea and rarely TMJ.

Stressing when things are at their worst. Which seems to compound the pain and interfere with sleep.

Anxiety. I'm better with this one.

Did I mention I have apin and sleep issues? Oh you heard, then we're good.

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