Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Ya Can't Spoil Everyone

Blog post #333 of 365

I was watching a car commercial the other day. (I don't even know what car.) At the end it said, "May things always go your way."

My first thought was what a wonderful sentiment but it didn't last.

Things shouldn't always go your way.

Imagine a world where they did. You would be extremely happy. That sounds wonderful right? The problem is that everyone would have their way. That includes pedophiles, rapists, murderers etc. I just don't see that being any better than the way we are now. We find our own happiness.

Then there is this, if you give in the every whim of a child you end up with a spoiled child who turns into a spoiled adult. They don't have boundaries in a very bad way. They feel and act entitled. Imagine a world filled with that.

No I hope we all have days when most everything goes our way but I also hope we remember to be good humans.

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