Friday, October 25, 2013

Fault Finding

Blog post #342 of 365

This seemed like the perfect post after yesterday's challenge post. It you didn't read it navigate back and read it. I dare you!

Fault finding is a hobby for some people. They stew about things until they feel they have a valid place to lay blame. This practice is just silly.

Crap happens. The majority of the time it just does. It isn't anyone's fault. Not really. I mean you can't predict or prevent every mishap and you can't blame those around you when stuff happens. Stuff is going to happen. Always hope for the best and plan for the worst. Isn't that how you avoid Murphy's Law, 'everything that can go wrong will go wrong?'

It you plan well enough stuff will be less inclined to go south. But when it does you have done your best and that is all you can do.

Finding fault becomes destructive. It wrecks relationships. It has not place in my life or yours. So how about we add this to your month of challenge. Lets not place blame. Just let it go. So stuff fell apart. Let the peices fall then clean up the mess. Build a few bridges. You'll feel better if you do.

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