Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Beauty Defined

Blog post #347 of 365

The other day I was reading a Facebook entry by a friend who said that he was tired of everyone calling everyone else beautiful. He claimed not everyone is beautiful. Well I disagree. I do not believe everyone is in fact beautiful as far as physically attractive but I know a bunch of people who are so beautiful to the core the outside is easily over looked. Not that any of them are in any way ugly.

I know that ugly is as ugly does. Meaning that attractive, beautiful people can appear really ugly by their actions. However I also know that in even the most vile human being it is possible to find some attractive quality. Even if that quality is the happiness that ensues once that particular person exits the area.

So while I was thinking about beauty and how some people just are it got me thinking about a commercial. This one  I think Lea Michele is pretty. No not beautiful but close. Anyway I have issues with her hands. They are kind of stubby, her fingers aren't straight and her thumb looks abnormally long compared to her fingers. Evey time I see this commercial I wonder why they had her hold up her hand. There were other ways of getting the point across. Since this commercial cam out I have noticed that there are many actors and actresses who you rarely see their hands. And I think it may be they are trying to hide something. Like Gary Burghoff who played Radar in M.A.S.H. years ago who never showed his left hand because his fingers are deformed. Recently I have seen a few of those elusive hands and they are smart to keep them off camera. I am not naming names here.

Anyway, the definition of beauty in the dictionary condensed version is "The quality of being physically attractive." I knew there had to be more to it than that so I looked it up. The full version of the definition said, "Having qualities that give pleasure to the senses, mind or spirit." That makes my earlier statements about there being more to beauty than a pretty face even more truthful!

Honestly not everyone is beautiful. It would be a boring world if they were. But I'm glad some are. I am especially grateful for those with inner beauty that makes this world a better place.

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