Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Things You Should Know

Blog post #297 of 365

To have the best most fulfilled life there are some things you should know.

1. You are your own worst enemy and therefore conversely you can become your best friend. Quit exaggerating the negatives. If you believe you are lazy or stupid (insert your list here) etc then you are making an excuse to be those things. Admittedly everyone gets a little lazy or does stupid stuff etc now and again just don't let that crap become who you are. You are probably as many positive things as you can imagine let that be the person you tell yourself you are because you become who you identify with strongest. So cut that crap out and be the best person you can be!!

2. Keep your friends close. I don't mean live next door. I mean have the kind of friends you can trust with your day. Having a bad one call your friends and have a laugh or let them know how you're feeling. If they are your friends you can trust them to keep your secrets and lift you up when you need them. They also might need an ear sometime so be there for them.

3. Learn how to say you're sorry, do it and mean it. I don't mean you need to apologize for who you really are but for those times when you are being a poop-head. Don't grovel and whine just learn to sincerely apologize. From your heart. The kind of I won't every do it again I never meant to hurt you kind of sorry. People will accept it and move on. Holding guilt in only makes it fester in both of you!

4. See the bigger picture. Look at the mountains, the stars or the ocean and recognize how small you are in the world. Your problems can seem much smaller. The smaller they are the easier it is to get a grip on them and solve what ails you. Visualizing your place in the world also allows you to see you are a part of the bigger picture. Do it every day or every night. It'll help.

5. Life is full of obstacles so make sure you aren't creating more. Life can be dramatic but you don't have to have a drama filled life. Unless you're being a complete jerk don't take anything too personally. If you feel a little anxious or angry just take a few deep breathes and think am I blowing this out of proportion? Then don't.

6. Be kind. It is a most valuable thing but costs nothing to give. I may not be able to solve the worlds ills but I can be kind. Being kind is a choice and truly people sometimes make it hard to want to be kind but do it anyway.

7. Be happy. Right now. Not when you save enough, earn enough, finish this, accomplish that. Happiness is also a choice to appreciate where we are and what we have or what we haven't got. I remember sitting in the hospital with my infant son struggling to breathe. Then I watched as all around me people were helping people and I became grateful we had a hospital close by with a staff who knew exactly what to do. I was instantly happy with the uncomfortable chair and the long wait and the awful smells and sights. I just chose to be happy. Happy he was safe and maybe not out of the woods yet but alive. That is what happiness is gratitude at its deepest level. Happiness is a state of mind not a destination. You're already there you just may not get it yet.

8. Be thankful. I mean be vocal about it. Show you are grateful by the things you do and the things you say. Be silent about it in your meditation and prayers each day. Show gratitude first. You should never ask for anything until you have expressed thanks for what you already have. Gratitude allows us to be happy with what we have. It helps us understand we have enough. Gratitude gives us the opportunity to give. Gratitude makes us humble. It connects us to our part of the universe in a profound and exciting way.

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