Tuesday, February 5, 2013

The Mixed Blessing of Pain

Blog post #82 of 365

A sweet young (early 20's) friend was having a bad day today she said, “This whole day has just been nauseatingly depressing, but I guess that's the whole point of a bad day is to fully appreciate the good ones when they happen, right?” (AH) It got me thinking about the how many people never really look at these kinds of things and how wonderful it is that someone so young is so astute. 

We all have bad days. Unfortunately I have lots of bad days. I am in chronic pain. I hardly ever say that out loud. Print is so permanent and solid writing it isn't a happy thing either but it is the truth. It has been so long I don't remember life without pain. The pains have changed some along the way. I am never out of pain. I have to make myself think what my pain levels are because sometimes I forget. I like forgetting. I like one to five days. You know those pain charts in doctors offices, urgent cares, clinic and emergency rooms across the country. I don't know a lot of people who are happy with a five day. I am. A five beats a ten any time! But even six days just push me too far.

I am for the most part okay with pain. I have learned to live with it. Fight through it. Refocus. Distract myself. Meditation helps some. Medications aren't effective most of the time. Although once in a while it would be nice to just knock out till the peaks pass. They always do. For me pain usually comes in waves.

Like my young friend I appreciate the good days. I do. I love every one of them. I do wish I could control them. By that I mean at least know when they are coming so I can plan for them. Work around them so to speak.

The other thing about pain is I have learned to help others in pain. getting ahead of your pain is best. Meaning don't let it get intolerable before doing something or taking something to alleviate it. It is harder to chase it away once it gains momentum. I have also learned to empathize. It is a sad gift but a gift none the less.

I have also learned that people in pain can get snippy. I can get snippy. But I also have become more aware of how I act. Curb it or stay away from people when pain strikes. What else can I do? Walking around snippy all of the time isn't productive. It isn't helpful to me or anyone else.

I have come to look at pain as a blessing. It isn't one I asked for or want or even one I'd wish on anyone else but it is a blessing because I have learned to appreciate what I have. All of what I have. I have learned to make the best of it. 

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