Sunday, February 10, 2013

Live Your Life

Blog post #87 of 365

It seems like everyone is waiting for something before they live. I mean live the way they want. They wait for school to end or a career to start before they get married. I figure if you know you can't imagine your life without him or her in your life why wait. People wait to have kids until they are mature enough or until they have saved enough money. Well the best time to have kids is when you are young enough to enjoy them and old enough to understand the role. If you wait until the "perfect" time you may lose out on the best experience of your life. People wait until retirement to try new things or take that trip. Why wait? Enjoy life while you can. Life can be way too short. You can never know if an opportunity will ever be there again. So when life gives you a change to have a little fun, take the opportunity. Live your life not for your parents or your peers but for yourself. 

What will people think? Who cares it isn't any of your business what people think.

I'm not saying be reckless. I'm not saying be irresponsible I am just saying be prepared when opportunity knocks Open the door and walk though!

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