Sunday, February 17, 2013


Blog post #94 of 365
"Real friends are always going to be there by your side, even at times when you tell them to leave. " Unknown

I have many real friends in your life. People who have stood the test of time, through thick and thin. The people who will always be there when I need them. The kind of people who do not judge or to tell me they tried to warn me but hug me and encourage me no matter what. That is what real friends do. My real friends do not to bring me down, or kick me when I am at my low points, instead they help pick me up. They pick me up when I fall and sometimes they just sit with me and help talk me into getting back up.

Not everyone is as lucky as me not everyone has had friends like mine. I know how lucky I am. I appreciate these people. In return for all they do I do for them. I lift them when I can. I hug them when I can. I listen often. I encourage often. I love unconditionally. Sometimes we laugh and sometimes we cry. It is what real friends do.
Real friends don't walk out when things get tough. The real ones hold your hand through break ups, loss, suffering. They clean you up when you need it and feed your soul too. They stand their ground. Real friends help you celebrate. They stand their ground and love you no matter what is going on around you. Real friends don't show up when things are good and depart when things aren't that great.  
I promise to hold my friends as the precious gifts they are. I promise to be there whenever I can, in whatever way I can. I promise not to judge, condemn, or add to your sadness. I will encourage and love unconditionally and I will not go running when things get hard. And I will expect nothing in return.

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