Monday, November 4, 2013

Weather What Weather

Blog post #352 of 365

Over the years I have lived in a few different states. I am a California native but one of the states other than California I lived in longest was Oklahoma. It is a beautiful states with plenty to do and not a terrible place to raise kids but to be honest I hate humidity (probably those California roots) and I detest tornadoes. Even with advanced warning they really are bad news. They hit randomly and can knock out whole communities or just one house leaving grief and sadness in its wake.

One of the first things I remember anyone telling me was if you don't  like the weather just wait 10 minutes. In most cases it can change that often but usually from humid to more humid or from hot to hotter or from cold to colder.

It isn't that way here. We haven't much change here in sunny California. In every season but summer we generally have cool nights and it warms up a little throughout the day. In the summer it is generally just hot and hotter and warm to hot at night.

Okay so sometimes we get rain. Like last week it rained off and on for two days. Mostly off though. I really wish I had a good camera because we had really cool rain clouds. They were a blue gray color and would literally have white puffy clouds in front or behind them. Sometimes in front and behind at the same time. Really cool.

Alright every once in a while we get morning fog or low clouds but they burn off as the sun makes its way up.

My point is most days we don't really need a weather person because we know. We live in sunny California where we have weather?

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