Friday, November 22, 2013

A Wrench In The Plans

Blog post #369 of 365

Thursday was a bust! And tomorrow will be worse!!!

Saturday we were having our usual family tradition of early Thanksgiving. BUT NOT THIS YEAR!!!

Yesterday I went for a routine doctor visit. However I had a few complaints and got diagnosed with Shingles. Really, isn't that what old people get? I know people it their twenties who have gotten it but I was not ready for a contagious diagnosis two days before the big family gathering. No really usually more than thirty people if everyone shows up!

After the regularly scheduled appointment I was sent to an eye doctor. A specialist since the shingles infection seemed to begin in my eye. It took 6 hours. Not joking. When I got home I made dinner. Then my contact began to feel irritated more than it did when I returned it to my eye after the dilation and three other drops they put in. I couldn't get a grip on it. No really it was not coming out. Then I started rubbing my eye. It was irritated. When then bunched up the contact and became stuck under the lid. I couldn't get it out. My eye was more swollen and several more OTC eye drops later my eye hurt like crazy. As soon as my son got home it was off to the ER. Like my day wasn't bad enough already.

So every 4.8 hours I take shingles medication and 3 times a day I put in antibiotic eye drops. Ugh.

Today I texted everyone with apologies for the late cancellation. They all took it very nicely.

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