Tuesday, November 12, 2013

I Hate Guessing

Blog post #360 of 365

When something happens people guess, speculate, presume, surmise or imagine what might have transpired. When people do things; bad things, peculiar things, odd things, overly generous things, crazy things, mean things etc other people try to figure out why. I'm not just thinking about media here but people in general.

It infuriates me when people make assumptions. In some cases there is nothing to do but speculate when all of the facts are not in play. But what really bugs me is when the media speculates or worse when they have a true story and add speculation along the way twisting what is true as the story grows and is retold until it is something incredibly far from truth.

Give me the facts. I'm the curious type anyway but I want facts. Real honest facts.

There are so many partial truths and lies being spread about. It just makes me crazy that people see it in print, hear it on TV or read it online an assume the worst. Check the facts. Do your own investigation before you pass on another lie. It is so easy to do a little three second fact check. Go to the source if you can.

Sometimes I feel like I'm all alone in this. Then I remember websites like Snoops. Obviously I'm not alone or those websites wouldn't exist.

Okay rant over...

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