Thursday, November 7, 2013

Adventures in the Doughnut

Blog post #355 of 365

Yesterday morning I had to go have a CT scan taken of my face of all things. No I didn't break my face or anything but I am having some major allergies issues. Apparently they had to check for a malady, malformation, polyps or filled sinuses. I had to be there at 7 am. The facility is in Los Aangeles, so I knew I had to figure in traffic, finding parking and getting to the radiology department before 7am. Lets just say traffic was interesting both coming and going and parking for the first time ever was easy. The wait time wasn't awful but there was a wait.

I discovered a few things while I was there. The first being the scanner looks like a giant doughnut. No it wasn't appetizing but it was big and doughnut shaped.
The next couple of things I noticed didn't come out well in the photos but I found them interesting.
there was a colorful band with sweeping lights that went back and fourth as the test was preformed.
Also there were green and red lights that flashed as the colorful band swished by. And someone put tiny stickers of birds inside. Not beautiful birds just like small stamps with birds on them.
As I was exiting I noticed a picture of my brain but he wouldn't let me take a photo of it. I have a very cool looking brain but they said the CT was of my face. I guess my brain got in the way.

Finally I always end up with new jewelry that nobody takes off while you're there and isn't easily broken off. Every department has a different color and if you are at risk for a fall you get two and they add one if you have allergies to something they might use during testing. I think the color codes are so you don't just wander the halls aimlessly. I imagine the homeless may have influenced the use of a system to control why you are there and where you should be. I passed several homeless people sleeping on benches on the way in and a few tucked into little recesses outside the building. But is means all visitors get bold new colorful bracelets.
Overall the experience wasn't too bad. The test didn't take to long including the drive although there was traffic tie ups both coming and going so it could have gone much quicker. It is LA afterall. I won't get the results for a few weeks. So for now I wait! *Sigh*

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