Friday, November 8, 2013

If I'm Right Then You're Wrong

Blog post #356 of 365

Truth is we all have beliefs. Our beliefs or opinions are based on our experiences, information and a few other things.

If we come to any conclusion we must certainly be right, correct. Well if that is true someone with differing beliefs or opinions must be wrong. We both can't be right can we? We sure we can.

I know this sounds confusing but it is the truth. I've said on here before that I like to look at the whole picture. Examine things from all angles but sometimes all angles are not available to me. Or I do not know where to get the information I lack. Or I am unaware there is further information. That is where the truth is, in the whole picture. Sometimes there is more than one right answer. For instance name a city with no 'A' in it. See I'll bet you came up with several cities with no 'A' in them. If not try harder. Or how do you get there from here. Well likely there are several routes. Yes they differ in little ways but you will arrive here and that makes them all correct. Even my phone will give a walking route, driving route and a route for public transportation.

Thinking I am right I can assume those who don't think the same way are wrong. This is where the damage happens. The other day a friend told me she was called a name by a mutual friend when she stated her opinion about something based on the information she was given. My response is they were both not being very respectful. I went on to give her more information and my support. (Name calling is never good.) Attacking others because of their beliefs is very destructive. It can ruin relationships.

Relationships are important. All relationships are to some degree important. If I disagree with you it isn't the end of the world. Even if the relationship is based in love there is no rule that says we must agree in order to remain in the relationship. Imagine how small your group of friends would be if you all had to completely agree on every subject. Politics or religion alone would sink most relationships.

I believe in being informed, enlightened, smart and also being open to the possibility that I may not be fully informed and therefore possibly wrong. Even after much research I may just be trying to build a case in my favor while 'innocently' gathering more information to back my cause. Our subconscious is like that it fools us into believing we are doing the right thing even when we aren't. If we want to believe something bad enough, then we will find a way to shore up our beliefs or turn a blind eye to the facts.

My friend Karen stated my point perfectly. "If we cling to the idea that someone has to be right, which means that anyone who disagrees has to be wrong we're eroding out relationship one stupid opinion at a time." Let's stop doing that.

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