Saturday, March 8, 2014

Q & A

Blog post #466 of 365

Questions are asked for various reasons. I get that.

Am I the only person who thinks not answering a question or dancing around the subject is rude? I don't mind asking for question clarification but change of subject or plain out not answering is just not acceptable. I'd even accept you are not at liberty to answer at this time or that you really have no idea but sometimes rude is just plain rude.

Case in point, A lady put a Facebook post on the wall of a support group. A man responded with a hello where are you from. She responded with "Have a blessed day." It came off rude even with the blessed day part. More appropriate would be 'thanks for asking but I keep that part of my life out of public forum' or 'kind of you to ask but I'm not interested' but poor deflection is not polite in my book.

I'll admit to playfully answering questions with questions to friends sometimes but in play not rudely to strangers.

At this stage in my life in particular I am working to be kind, polite and as open as I can be without becoming dangerously vulnerable. For instance in the case above I would have said "California thanks for asking." A vague enough answer but an answer all the same.

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