Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Daylight Savings Time

Blog post #469 of 365

Everything is off. It happens every year after I set my clocks forward. I'm tired but I shouldn't be, it is one silly hour. Why should it drain the energy out of me for a week or two? But it does.

Every day since it feels like dinner is too early.

It is such a chore to remember which clocks are correct. I usually set the manual ones by hand the night before but I forgot this year. There are some, one the computer, cable box and an atomic clock in the living room that will 'automatically' reset. Except the atomic clock takes time... a few hours, an extra day or sometimes a week before it figures out is isn't like the other clocks.

I don't get why we do it. It makes no sense to me. Most of South America doesn't. Arizona doesn't. Why do we?

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