Wednesday, March 5, 2014


Blog post #463 of 365

I am a member of an online support group for widowed and divorced people who are all about my age. For the most part the people in the group are friendly and supportive but every once in a while there are negative, disrespectful, or demeaning posts about men. It bothers me. I love men.

The other day I read Matt Walsh's blog titled 'Your Husband Doesn't Have to Earn Your Respect,' you can read it yourself if you like.

Now I was taught you need to earn respect however I believe you give respect until it is broken. If you give respect it is returned, usually anyway. As far as husbands I don't think you should marry unless you have mutual respect. The idea of men or women punishing each other in a relationship is just silly. Send someone to the couch to sleep is childish. Taking a little space to cool off yourself maybe but it shouldn't get to that point. You should love each other enough to work through stuff as it come instead of letting it boil up. I know this is sometimes easier said than done but done it should be.

Admittedly I do find inappropriate stuff funny sometimes but it doesn't mean it is appropriate. Like when a baby says a cuss word and you want to laugh but it is so not right. Or the neanderthal man commercial in the Walsh blog. Honestly, I would never have married a guy like that and then fantasize that he would magically become some perfect robotic like husband. I believe you should walk into marriage or any relationship eyes wide open, mind wide open.

Back to men. I love men. I enjoy many of the stereotypical things men like cars, tools, adventure movies, fishing, shooting stuff, etc. I don't think it is okay to bag on men or women because you don't happen to agree with them. Or when they don't agree with you. Especially not publicly.

Guys I will respect you to the same degree you respect me. That is how it will remain. At least for me.

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