Sunday, January 26, 2014

Read This

Blog post #425 of 365

I don't think this should count as a blog post really but it is and so I will.

I love this blog post. It isn't my exact thoughts on education but it is in line with my views. Who needs a degree in hospitality services? Really most people working in that field (hotels mostly) can do the job without the debt and with a simple go in and figure things out mentality. Or pharmacy tech. Really all you do is get the job and they tell you what to do. What happened to those jobs. The ones you walk in and say I am willing to learn what I need to do and then do it. Nobody but college professors care about MLA and most people to be honest don't care about the grammar so much as the content. (Admittedly I like when people use proper words for example 'I have two eyes too.' As compared to 'I have to eyes two.' Or worse. And I don't want words shortened to the point they aren't words or they become a totally different word, especially in writing. Could is not spelled cld, nor is would spelled wld. And don't even get me started on totally becoming 'totes.' A tote is a bag. Maybe you could totally carry everything in totes but that is about it!

So read this guys post:
He completely gets how college has become a money pit. A money pit that is going to take everyone in the next few generations down if we let it!

This is me standing up for something I believe in. Stop the madness!!! Go to college to become a doctor, architect, teacher, lawyer etc. The rest of you take a stand and do something you love.

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